Thursday, December 06, 2007

6 employees among dead in mall shooting

I am going to stick with the theory that the way we raise kids now is related to the drastic increase in young people losing it and shooting up schools and other places for "no reason."

Kids never learn how to deal with disappointment, criticism and failure.
Everyone gets an award.
Everyone is on the honor role.
Get rid of awards for those who excel because the ones who don't make it on the list might feel bad.
Never criticize.
No competition.
No more dodgeball, no trophies for first place.
Never tell your kid they are not good at something...

So, eventually, one day, they realize they have been lied to their whole life.
They are told "no" for the first time.
They don't get the job
They don't get a good grade
Kids are sheltered way to much.


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said...but you missed an important thing.

Go ahead and put a gun in the hands of such a moron/twisted person(or kid). It makes killing so much easier. Imagine the same scumbag with a knife or a baseball bat...!! But, Nooo!!! unfortunately, they have access to guns and everybody feels so 'powerful'.

Scary and depressing.

The Game said...

There have always been guns, that has not changed...
The way we raise kids has changed.

Anonymous said...

what you describe is myth. it doesn't exist in my liberal neck of the woods.

kids get good grades or bad grades and learn to deal with it

all the soccer players get a trophy or ribbon but the first and second place teams get big trophies.

in my state you have to have better than a 3.0 to be on the honor roll.

there are plenty of awards for kids who excel. my son's 8th grade award night lasted an hour and 10 kids got 90% of the awards.

you are perpetuating a myth.

Scorpion said...

EXACTLY RIGHT ON.........GAME..the sad part is it is getting worse,not better.In my day it was a fist fight,no publicity,no big event for everyone to know about...
just settle the problem and move fact,you gained some respect for the other guy after it was all over.Knives??Guns??That was a personal embarrassment to even consider weapons and maybe really get into big trouble.The only myth is anyone who would think
this isn't happening..every day!

PCD said...

anonymous and american, you are both liberal idiots.

First, the kid stole the gun.

Second, the kid showed the gun off to the lady he was living with, and she didn't call the cops.

Third, the social services and courts failed this kid. He needed help and he got shuffled through group homes and such, but NO REAL HELP. He hadn't lived with family for years.

Fourth, what is scary is that american and anonymous will still support failed Democrats running the social service agencies, catering to the union thugs who populate those agencies, and will decry the lack of effectiveness of those agencies, not on the politics practiced and misplaced focus, but on a lack of higher taxes.

Anonymous said...

Dissappointed/ disullusioned youth are not unique to our country. But you don't see students going on shooting rampage in other countries. Reason? No easy access to guns. Guns make killing much easier. Period.

PCD: So, you haven't stopped drinking from sewer pipe, uh? You are best ignored.

Anonymous said...

and you, pcdummy, are apparently a moron who can't comprehend the written word and hasn't the first clue what you're talking about.

Marshal Art said...

"Easy access to guns" is a cop-out for the real issue of how kids are raised. The simple fact that there was a gun accessable to any kid is a sign that some people simply aren't good parents. But have guns just hanging from trees and well-mannered, well adjusted, well raised kids won't pick one up and start shooting. Even mental kids wouldn't for their "good" parents would prohibit access.

At the same time, there weren't likely very many people in that mall carrying a weapon with which they could defend themselves and others from the very wackjobs who go to malls to shoot people.

To place blame on a mere object, one that has great value to good and decent people that know when and how to use it, is to take a band-aid approach.

It's tough to face, but striving to affect traditional, conservative ideals is the only way to really reverse the results of following liberal ideals for far too long.