Sunday, December 30, 2007

Abortion Supporter Knocks 69 Yr. Old Pro-Lifer Unconscious, MSM Silent

From Warner Todd Huston
On December 22nd a 69 year-old pro-life activist who was standing atop his automobile and protesting in front of the Hillcrest Abortion Clinic in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was physically attacked by an abortion supporter and thrown to the ground with enough force to knock him unconscious. Doctors even worried for a time that the elderly man might perish from the attack. And here, nearly 7 days out from this attack, there aren't any accounts of the attack in the MSM. As I searched for the story myself, I found two and only two Internet hits for it. Why the silence from the MSM? Can you imagine the MSM swarm that would have occurred if it had been a pro-lifer that attacked an abortion supporter? The cacophony would have been deafening if a pro-lifer had been the one to get violent.


Anonymous said...

it's difficult to believe there is a facility in harrisburg called "the hillcrest abortion clinic"

and 69 isn't quite old enough to be that vulnerable, particularly if he was able to walk a picket line

but probably young enough to understand the media value of a faked loss of consciousness

just a thought

blamin said...

Sorry anon

"just a thought" implies thinking, which your post clearly lacks.

But hey, at least you stayed true to form.

The a'hole that attacked the old guy, should've been "mob stomped"!

Anonymous said...

which anon? not my post.