Thursday, December 06, 2007

Actual cases of racist hate crimes

Unlike the made up white on black hate crimes we read about, you know...the ones where either liberals or minorities (or prostitutes, DA's and 80 teachers at Duke) make up fake stories of whites carrying out racist acts on minorities.

Here are some stories of ACTUAL hate crimes, the ones that actually happen in real life. And as is usually the case, its minorities committing the crime on white people.

Woman viciously attacked by 9 students on Baltimore bus...
Boston Firefighter Stabbed: 'Don't want any gringo here'...


The Game said...

Just think what would happen if it was the other way around...
An ACTUAL case of whites beating up blacks or hispanics solely based on race.

Scorpion said...

Imagine that.....must be the poor
enviornment and suppressed lifestyle to blame for this action....IMAGINE THAT!!!!!

PCD said...

game, don't expect Jay and the libs to defend not treating minority and special people acting out hate crimes as they want to treat their imagined white hate crimes. It would mean them not wallowing in their hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Hate crime is matter who does it. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to ignore racist attacks on whites. It's simply wrong.

Anonymous said...

unbiased is something impossible to achieve when the name of your blog is right from the right. Learn to think before you learn to push keys.

Anonymous said...

Do you actually know anthing or are you just regurgitating information that was spoon fed to you by someone "important".