Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Thompson: Don't let the government tell you what to eat

These topics are a struggle for me...
I am a health professional, so I WANT people to eat healthy and not smoke, but another part of me says its wrong for the govt to TELL people what they can and can not eat.

I am a little more open to govt regulation in schools.
I don't think it is right for teachers and school programs to sell nachos, candy and soda during school to raise money.
We tell kids what they can and can not do all the time, I don't see a problem telling them they can't have soda or candy in schools.
When they are adults, that might be a different story.

But still, I am torn.
Many people are stupid, and I am tired of paying for their inability to take care of themselves.
So my health insurrance cost more because I have to make up for all the money it takes to treat someone who is obese or who smokes 3 packs a day.
You can add into that all the other wasted tax payer money that goes to people living off liberal social programs.

So, should the govt be able to tell me what I can and can not eat?
Should they ban certain foods in schools?