Thursday, January 17, 2008

Abortions in US at lowest level since 1976: report

So I guess the liberal-God-given right to murder babies is not really as popular as liberals want it to be.
Never a reason to murder a baby.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Game, I guess this generation of women just don't want what Hillary's generation was espousing. We hope that they are more enlightened and actually see this as murder.

Marshal Art said...

The study describes the use of drug contraceptives rightly as "medication abortions", but I'm not sure that they are including those in the total. For later in the article it says that the use of such can account for this trend. That would suggest that although they use the term "abortion" that they are reporting on the drop in surgical abortions only. Am I reading this correctly? If so, then the numbers are not as good unless the use of the drugs has also decreased.

Jay Bullock said...

Some things you missed:
Abortion rights advocates suggested women may be avoiding unwanted pregnancies, thanks in part to the morning-after pill, emergency contraception that is sold without a prescription to women 18 and older. [. . .]

Some of the biggest drops in the abortion rate, however, have come in states that do not impose tight restrictions.

Oregon, for instance, was rated this week by Americans United for Life as the nation's "least pro-life state," yet its abortion rate dropped 25% from 2000 to 2005 -- more than any state except Wyoming.

California also was ranked hostile territory by Americans United for Life, but its abortion rate fell 13%, significantly more than the national average.

This mirrors the trends in the rest of the world, where countries with the most "liberal" abortion laws, coupled with ready access to affordable health care for mothers-to-be (not to mention post-partum care, child care, good schools, etc.) leads to lower abortion rates than countries with strict anti-abortion laws.

The report also surveyed women who had abortions:
Many women are having abortions because they can’t afford to have more children; the women themselves are saying that they can barely afford the children they do have. Mothers are stretched thin, emotionally and financially. And yet the “pro-life” Republican party opposes nearly all measures that would actually help low-income parents.

Universal healthcare? They’re against it. Expanding children’s healthcare for low-income families? Against it. Increased birth control access? Against it. Affordable day-care? Nope. Welfare? No. Early childhood education? No. Education in general? No. Medically accurate sexual health education? No No No No.

I'm just sayin'. If you want to celebrate the news, go ahead--but be honest about why the rate is lower and what really works to make it that way.

PCD said...


You really hate kids that much? Or have you never really thought through your Liberalism rite of abortion?

The Game said...

Point by point:
mothers are killing their unborn children because they can't afford the children they have...Jay must be mentioning that as some sympathy ploy for the women, maybe some evil republican cut some welfare program for them..

Now, as far as the education programs are concerned...I'll agree with you there, but I'm not going to equate not having enough early childhood programs with abortion...and I'll expect a little more personal responsibilty for these people. If they want to whore themselves around and have lots of kids, I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM...

And finally, there is no doubt the morning after pill has something to do with the lowering of surgical abortion rates...and to be honest, I am probably a bit wishy-washy on that. It is not likely that a baby has been developed after one day, so I can understand that position.
Once you get past the first 9 weeks, there is NO gray area, that is a child.

Anonymous said...

game, if you disagree with a woman's right to control her own reproductive decisions, maybe that means you should just never have an abortion yourself

so-called conservative men seem obsessed about womens' issues and queer issues and, since these issues don't affect them, it's hard to understand why

until you realize these are only issues for them because they can't handle the ones they are actually responsible for, and want to deflect from their own screwups

Anonymous said...

but game, i thought life begins at conception, and if it's a life, then it's a baby, isn't it?

The Game said...

A woman can control her reproductive options like not have sex...when she creates a life, then she can't kill the baby, which is what a regular abortion does...
Since I am a brain of science, I understand and accept a little bit of gray area, espcially the next day.
the fact that you write an emotional, worthless comment like that shows no ability to defend the murder of a 6 or 9 month old baby in the womb.