Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bill Clinton gives heated response on voter disenfranchiseme

Watch this video
Why is it that every time Bill Clinton talks it is full of slimy lies.
This is what he did for 8 years, it looked bad the whole time, and it looks bad here.
He says things that have a 1 percent chance of being true, so he slimes his way out of anyone telling him he is lying, then he has the lame-ass excuse that no one knew what they were voting on.
That is incompetence Bill, but I guess one side of the political spectrum doesn't care much about that.
You watch that report and then try and defend him...go ahead, it will give me something to laugh at later.


blamin said...

Well said Game!

So many times, it seems like if you support the Clinton camp it comes down to a choice between dishonesty versus incompetence.

Scorpion said...

Bozo Bill has always been just that....why would it be any different now..............

PCD said...

Note the lack of Liberal refutation. The truth is kryptonite to them.