Follow the progression on how liberals hurt everyone, especially the poor:
1. They enact politices that hurt the economy and take away jobs like higher taxes or too many regulations.
2. People, mostly poor, lose their jobs. There are also less people with jobs, so we collect less taxes.
3. We need more taxes to "help" the larger amount of poor people the Democrats created by them losing their jobs.
4. These people become reliant on the govt for their every need, they now become institutionally poor.
5. We need to raise taxes again to pay for more and more and more poor, helpless people who, in part, are created by Democratic policy.
Democrats do not help the poor, they create the poor and keep them there for life.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Bill: "We Just Have to Slow Down Our Economy" to Fight Global Warming
Posted by
The Game
11:15 AM
Labels: failed liberalism
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Actual text from Clinton's speech, my bold:
And maybe America, and Europe, and Japan, and Canada -- the rich counties -- would say, 'OK, we just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions 'cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren.' We could do that.
But if we did that, you know as well as I do, China and India and Indonesia and Vietnam and Mexico and Brazil and the Ukraine, and all the other countries will never agree to stay poor to save the planet for our grandchildren. The only way we can do this is if we get back in the world's fight against global warming and prove it is good economics that we will create more jobs to build a sustainable economy that saves the planet for our children and grandchildren. It is the only way it will work.
Even Malkin's people are defending Clinton against the ABC smear.
The post was put up to bring up the greater point of the fact the liberal policy of global warming hurts our economy, therefore taking jobs away the people liberals pretend to care about.
but that point is false.
the liberal policy of global warming hurts our economy
Which is why the Prius is selling like crack and Toyota kicked truck-making Ford's behind. Sure.
come on Jay
Just look what has happened to the cost of food and milk because of the stupid ethanol craze. That is a product of global warming.
If we didn't need to make corn into ethanol, corn wouldn't be three times as expensive at before,therefore livestock food would not cost so much more, meaning all our food from animals cost more. How does that affect a poor family Jay?
That family that only has 100 a week to eat for everyone, now everything is 20 percent more...guess they get 20 percent less food so that maybe the earth won't warm up .3 degree in our lifetime...
Hey, you're not going to get an argument from me on ethanol. I think we need to move away from internal combustion altogether. Corn ethanol is a sop to agribusiness and, net, saves us almost no carbon.
There is a real possibility of an effective bio-fuel someday--and whoever nails it will rule the economy, so don't tell me Green is bad for business--but even that is at best a stopgap.
Look, we boomed in the 50s as we developed the technology that the whole world now takes for granted. We need to do that again, with a different generation of technology--technology that the world will use in 50 years to keep itself stable in the face of climate change. That's Clinton's argument, and it's a smart one, and Toyota has shown how it can work in practice--while making a tidy profit.
face it, it was not bill's brightest moment
but he does have a globalist agenda, in accordance with the neocons
Jay, we agree on some points.
Develop the new technology, get the new fuel...yes, good, fine.
I'm talking about all the excessive rules and unnecessary regulations that people want to put on US companies. The countries that are becoming the newest and biggest polluters in the world will not follow anything since they are booming economies, all the "global warming" people will be doing is hurting OUR businesses.
The worst part is that they are hurting business for something that a great deal of scientists believe is not even happening or if it is happening, it has very, very little to do with humans.
Love the dishonesty, Game - Brightens my day to see you highlighting the "Liberal Media" blatantly taking a quote out of context to attack a liberal.
High road? We don't need no stinkin' high road!
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