McCain 48% Clinton 40%
McCain 47% Obama 41%....
What do the liberals have to say about this?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
New poll shows McCain beat Obama or Hillary
Posted by
The Game
1:55 PM
Labels: 2008 election
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'nuff said
it really all depends on the so-called liberal media. by ignoring him, they've forced edwards, the most liberal of the major dems, out of the race because they want the black vs the woman race.
and they love mccain. and they love to bash hillary.
(posted earlier)
I don't think you are getting the point.
You on the Left have to decide who you "like" more, if you want a woman or a black...nothing of actual substance...just emotionalism.
On the Right we have to decide based on positions and ideas. Yes, it is sad to say maybe some are voting against Romney because of his religion, and that is wrong. But if you look at it, McCain is getting 36% or less of the vote, that is no mandate. The problem is the conservatives are split between Romney and Huckabee while the moderates and slightly liberals are ALL going for McCain. But if you look at exits polls, very few Conservatives are voting for McCain.
What are they going to do in the general election?
That is why I can't see McCain winning the general election...conservatives will just stay home.
You ‘like’ a candidate based on various reasons including his stand on issues. It’s no crime. On the other hand, calling it emotionalism shows an ‘emotional’ opinion!
I always thought McCain was the best choice from Republican side to beat Democrat candidate. I like him for his principles as opposed to smooth talking ‘flip flopper’. However, his stand on 100-years war and ‘shamnesty’ for Illegal Immigrants drive me crazy!!
"You on the Left have to decide who you "like" more, if you want a woman or a black...nothing of actual substance...just emotionalism."
no, we don't
we can choose on the issues, or abstain from the process altogether
your rabid hate and loyalty to party rather than country, on the other hand, will COMPELL you to vote your candidate just to keep the other side out, even though your vote will validate the ultimate nullification of your self-created image of yourself as a "values voter"
you will talk a good game about abstaining yourselves, but you will eventually allow your own mullahs, like rush and hugh, to PROPEL you into the voting booth, and make no mistake, you will vote for mccain, romney, or whatever pitiful compromise you are offered
your final act of desperation, as conservatism dies
Lets see, what are people talking about?
Any issues Hillary and Obama have different stances on?
Obama gives hour speeches about flat out nothing...
All the talk is about a woman and a black guy...thats it.
actually, democrats are talking about fixing things
repairing our broken economy, rebuilding our industrial base, restoring law and order to our streets, campaign tax reform, REAL national security issues (as opposed to imaginary, non-quantifiable ones in distant lands, for benefit of other nations), stewardship of the earth, social justice, education reform, healthcare, renewable energy sources, and so on, and so on...
and what do so-called conservatives contribute?
"we don't like our OWN candidate, or ANY of our own platforms, and no one will listen, waaaaaaaah...."
and the fetuses and the queers
sure, romney is electable
Fixing things costs LOTS of money..
where will all these "changes" get
the necessary cash?? Don't forget to "fix" illegal immigration at the top of this list.......
nominate him and we will have an election...that's what this liberal says about it.
The anon above shows how the Democrats think in terms of slogans and bumper stickers. I'm astonished they've changed their minds and no longer see Islamic Supremacists as a security challenge-- 911 must be Bush's fault, I suppose.
To hammer my point home, consider when liberals say they are for healthcare. What does this mean? Well, we can cover everyone by putting them in a govt queue, though that isn't the change I want. I would rather ***bring down insurance premiums***, and this can be done by removing the tax penalty on individually purchased insurance, removing restrictions on HSAs, tort reform, introducing a partial voucher system into Medicare, and reforming Medicaid along the lines of welfare.
But you can't put that on a bumper sticker or a soundbite in the same way you can with "healthcare for all" or some other bs phrase. That's why the Democrats will always be the party of stupid people.
BTW-- I'm gladly voting for McCain, who is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-school choice, pro-market healthcare, pro-personal retirement accts, pro-Israel, pro-democracy in Iraq, pro-stopping Iran from getting nukes, and pro-making dead tangos, including OBL.
There is no way I'm sitting this one out. The shock jock border bots on the radio are taking their hatred of illegals way to far.
McCain isn't perfect, but at least you know what you're getting. This is a contrast to Romney, who will tell you what you want to hear, and then will give you socialist medicine, gay marriage, higher fees, timetables for our retreat, and taxpayer funded abortions. Talk radio is a complete joke.
Your bumper sticker comment is very accurate. That goes along with the emotionalism. People are inspired by the bumper sticker...it sounds better, it is easier to understand.
Liberal ideas always SOUND better on the surface. It is when they have to be enacted that you see how terrible they are. the problem is that they are not terrible immediately. Look at the projects and welfare. It took 25 years of messing up an entire group of people before they woke up.
the problem with demonizing real solutions "bumper sticker slogans" while putting forth the type of shell-game retreads jason puts forth (FSAs? please) is that bumper stickers actually represent exactly what their owners are clamoring for
take, for instance, the way jason introduces the Limbaugh talking point, "socialized medicine", into the mix, where he tries to yoke what he will push as European systems as failed and unsuitable to the American people, which is horribly ironic, since most Americans are descended from the very Europeans who developed them
now, obama's plan is actually just an extension of much of the same methods and processes, meant to preserve the same holy alliance between multinational globalist conglomerates, and your likelihood to survive your next health challenge
hillary's simply extends the availability of the exact same coverage every member of congress currently receives, to every american
neither plan bears any resemblance whatsoever to jason's "socialized medicine" talking point, yet he will use it anyway to create a strawman and foster confusion amongst americans, in order to promote an open-borders, globalist neocon agenda that most americans are uninterested in
now, these are simple concepts, that address how to create an intermediary healthcare proposal, that does not fully meet the needs of the american family, yet far surpasses any of the tired canards jason continues to ram down the throats of the people, even though, after fifteen years of having them spit them up right back into his face, one would think he'd have learned to think more creatively
the ONLY thing that will solve the healthcare crisis in america is a comprehensive single-payer system, tailored specifically to the needs of AMERICANS, and not open to the illegal immigrants and miscreants jason is so fond of bringing in
it's about taking care of your own first, and getting it right the first time
"The shock jock border bots on the radio are taking their hatred of illegals way to far."
perhaps, but they have not forgotten the meaning of the word "illegal", which the neocons dispensed with long ago
6. Which political party, the (Democrats) or the (Republicans), do you trust to do a better job handling (ITEM)?
2/1/08 - Summary Table*
Both Neither No
Democrats Republicans (vol.) (vol.) opinion
a. The economy 52 33 2 10 3
b. Immigration issues 40 37 2 12 9
c. The situation in Iraq 48 34 3 9 6
d. The federal budget
deficit 52 31 2 10 6
e. Taxes 48 40 1 8 4
f. The U.S. campaign
against terrorism 44 37 4 10 5
g. Health care 56 29 2 10 4
*Full sample asked items a,b; half sample asked items c,d; other half sample asked items e-g.
The right wing can insult the left all they want for their choice of democratic minority and female candidates, but you can guarantee that if it was Condi Rice, there would be no issue. On that note, the selfish and the self centered Republicans cannot even admit that maybe their ideas about war are wrong. This war is wrong and it was started for the wrong reasons. Al-Queda is a network all across the middle east, not a country. We have killed and maimed millions of Iraqis, but most Americans don't care. All they care about is their own behinds. In the end, that is what will do us in. Someday, Russia, China, or some other big country will bomb us and it will make 9/11 look like a picnic. The democrats will lose again because Americans are too selfish to think about how they would feel if someone came and bombed their country. Sadly, I think it will take a nuclear attack on our own soil before people wake up, but then there won't be anything left anyway.
Accurate unless Conservative Republicans pressure McCain to move to the right, for their convenience.
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