Monday, January 21, 2008

Obama talks and says nothing...again

Someone tell me what the hell this crap means(From the debate Monday):

"We can no longer afford to build ourselves up by tearing each other down. We don't need a politics of fear in this country, we all need a politics of hope. That is what Dr King's message is about," he said.

"Don't question, John, that on issue after issue that is important to the American people, I haven't followed. I have led," Obama said.

Feel free to add your own Obamaisms

Lets also point out the fact that Obama can't even vote while in the Senate:
"Senator Obama, it's hard to have a straight up debate with you because you never take responsibility for any vote," Clinton said to loud boos. "On issue after issue, you voted present ... Whenever someone raises that, there's always some sort of explanation."
Obama accused Clinton of playing loose with the facts and saying anything to get elected, while Edwards joined Clinton in criticizing Obama for the "present" votes.
"Why would you over 100 times vote present?" Edwards pointedly challenged Obama. He said he didn't simply refuse to vote on controversial bills in Congress. "It would have been safe for me politically ... but I have a responsibility to take a position even if it costs me politically."


Marshal Art said...

All those "present" votes means he didn't take a position.

I didn't watch the debate (I don't have the stomach for extended viewings of Dems pretending to have a clue), but I have no doubt that the "bitches" would have been saying the same things Edwards said. There's not a hair's difference between the three. Race? Gender? Who cares when they all are using the same playbook.

Anonymous said...

what a ridiculous, mindless, pointless assessment

The Game said...

It's a great statement...All the Democrats think the same, the bigots on the Left are trying to decide if they like a black or a woman better...thats it.

Anonymous said...

no, it's not, it's like saying mccain, huckabee, and dead! have the same policies and positions, and it demonstrates the intellectual laziness of the author

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see how far-right readers and the blog author over here see absolutely no difference between democratic candidates! LOL

Talk about blind ideology!!!

Unfortunately, it's the same garbage I've seen from far-left as well.

True - American has a very bright future!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

i imagine any liberal visiting here can give you a pretty good description of the gop candidates, what their positions are and who supports them.