With 69 percent of precincts counted, Romney -- the Oakland County-reared son of a popular Michigan governor -- lead McCain by a margin of 39 percent to 30. Mike Huckabee had 16 percent.
Someone comment and pretend you know what is going to happen on the Right.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Romney wins Michigan primary, blasts GOP race wide open
Posted by
The Game
10:47 PM
Labels: 2008 primaries
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What I find interesting is how all the media called Michigan a “must win” for Romney.
Even though he had more delegates than any Repub Candidate going into MI, it was a “must win”. Nobody called this a must win for McCain, even though he was behind.
I notice you have a poll for predicting the GOP nominee. No thanks. All I know is that the two I'd most like to see leading, aren't.
Mitt: 2 wins, 2nd place. Moderate middle. Not like Bush who never changes mind. Mitt will listen to the public.
McCain: 1 win, 1 second, 1 third. War monger. 100 yeas in Iraq. Amnesty to illegals if they pay a few bucks and say a few words of English. Flip flopper; a creationist before evangelicals, an evolutionalist before other folk. NEO CON nut job. Never voted for the people in his life. Old. Old. Old.
Huckabee: The huskster. Evangical nut job. Claimed three times nationally to have theology degree. Does not. Claimed repeated not to have pardoned murderers, has pardoned 12. FOR AMNESTY and trying to hide it - ie illegals leave but can come back the next day as legals- touch back amnesty. On Judicial Watch's (conservative group) list of 10 least ethical. NEO CON. Playing to party's bosses.
What will happen?
Fred or Huckabee will win S. Carolina. McCain is popular there but S. Carolina is fighting illegal immigration tooth and nail and McCain is anti American on that one. Huskabee is FOR AMNESTY but is hiding his touch back plan - so people will probably think he is anti amnesty.
McCain will come second because of military bases.
Mitt will come third because of religion.
Florida: Rudy will win. Fred or Huskabee will be second because of religion. Mitt third.
West: Mitt will win the western states due to illegal immigration and less fear of Mormonism, with perhaps CA going to Rudy, and AZ to McCain.
What I found really interesting was the performance by so called 'real conservatives' - Fred, Rudy and Duncan! All were trailing Ron Paul.
So, probably Fox News anchor should question these three candidates on their 'electability' instead of picking on poor Ron Paul !! :)
game, it is simply too early to tell
It would be great if Fred won SC and took second in FL...I think a lot of conservatives want to vote for him and want him to win.
A flip-flopper Mitt would be a disaster for Republicans. Many from religious right doesn't like him. Many within republican party can't stand his 'convinient' stand on issues.
Honeslty, It's dissappointing to see no candidate at the top tier who is strong on border security, tough on Illegal Immigration and serious about cutting tax and spending.
Fred Thompson is on the Right side of those issues...and NONE of the Dems are...
thompson is NOT tough on illegal immigration
his attitude can best be characterized by, "oh, let's not be nice to them, and then they will leave when they are ready"
if he's not willing to fight for the completion of a secure border, and unwilling to enforce existing law by aggressively deporting illegals, the illegals will continue to multiply like rabbits, and the situation will continue to deterioriate
none of the candidates, except MAYBE dr. paul, take a convincing hard line on the issue, and thompson is certainly no better then the rest, despite the posturing
you republicans are not demanding sufficiently aggressive policies on illegals, because they've reshaped the debate to divert your attention
Fred Thomson needs to wake up first! I don't even know where he stands on these isssues because he looks and sounds so lazy!! lol
And, when did Fred become a 'top tier' candidate? If he is, then what about Dr. Ron Paul who got more votes both in New Hampshire and Michigan?
Ron Paul can and never will get more votes than he is getting now...Fred Thompson can win states...we will see Saturday
Thompson “needs to wake up first”?
You must truly be a MTV baby! He has articulated his position time and time again.
Try a little research, and don’t rely so much on the media’s spoon fed gorp.
"Fred Thomson needs to wake up first! I don't even know where he stands on these isssues because he looks and sounds so lazy!!"
Try his website. Look to his voting record as a US Senator. He's a freakin' wide open book.
American said...
A flip-flopper Mitt would be a disaster for Republicans. Many from religious right doesn't like him.
According to Medved, he got more evangelical votes than did the Huckster. Not my cup o' tea for prez, but he knows business and that could be useful to whoever gets the nod.
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