Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Jersey Lawmakers Consider Tax On Fast Food

I keep warning you, and you keep saying my predictions are crazy...
In the liberal world, it always starts off small, because the American people would never support these crazy ideas right off the bat.
They have almost got it so no one can smoke anywhere, not even your own car and house...

They are working on taking away any "choice" you have in food choices...
Wait, the Left is the party that calls themselves "pro-choice"...right?
What choice are they talking about again?


blamin said...


I’m afraid you’re not looking at “The Big Picture.

Ya see, we’re just around the corner from universal health insurance in this country. Hillary has stated she doesn’t believe “we should all pay” for the health care of heroin addicts and drunkards. This system will soon be overly expensive, so the next to be shunned from her nirvana will be smokers, then the overweight, then any who engage in “dangerous” behavior, such as Big Mac connoisseurs.

She stated that we need a huge electronic system “to share medical information”. But why not make it more efficient, seems how we’re going to provide insurance for all? Let’s see, debit and credit cards are easily tracked, cash transactions are more and more frowned upon. People buying cigarettes or too much alcohol should be shunned.

Think I’m going overboard with this? The government can’t possibly pay for this as it will be first presented to the public; it will start going broke. But by then people will be hooked or used to this artificially created “right”. To keep the program from going broke new scapegoats will be created. Mr. Doe, I noticed you purchased food from an unhealthy fast food joint four times last week. Mrs. Jones, your grocery bill last month consisted of 18% junk food and sodas. Mrs. Smith, your children caught a whiff of your great aunt Jane’s cigarette smoke at last weeks family reunion.

jhbowden said...

Hillary says under her healthcare plan, no one will be invisible.

I believe her.

Anonymous said...

There is a tax on tobacco products and alcohol as well

Anonymous said...

holy sh*t! tax on my big mac? umm, i've been paying sales tax on fast food since before a big mac was 19 cents. get over it.

TerryN said...

Here's the big picture.

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
Norman Thomas

The Game said...

Look at how liberals think.
They believe that the govt can tax you into making healthy choices...
They do not care about your personal freedoms, they want the government running every single second of your lives because the average person is stupid and only the government is wise enough to know what is best for you...

Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with making you eat healthy, for crying out loud. i pay sales tax at mickey d's on ceaesar salad, yogurt and granola, or fruit cup.

you guys have socialism on the brain.

The Game said...

This is more taxes, making things the govt doesn't like cost more money so you don't do it...

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong in making bad choices more expensive. That's what Insurance companies do. If you are not a good driver, your premium goes up. I would like to see smokers paying more Health Insurance premium as well.

You have the freadom to do whatever you want. However, there is a cost attached.

Well, it's not that hard to understand. You just need an open/logical mind.

jhbowden said...

"There is nothing wrong in making bad choices more expensive."

Who appointed YOU to decide which choices are good and bad? If I want to eat buckets of cheese and surf porn, that's none of the Democratic Party's business.

Anonymous said...

Remember the true platform of the Dims.

1) We have everything it takes to take everything you have; and,

2) Is what we're doing good for America and Americans? We don't care!

Anonymous said...


Your self-rightousness is always good for a giggle.

In this case, the market and those entities with a huge stake in it (health insurers) determine what is good and bad. Your choice isn't curtailed- there's simply a cost attached to it.

This is the face of modern health care.

blamin said...

So the liberals/socialist commenting on this post have the basic argument of:

"You're allready paying sales tax, what's wrong with yet anoter tax?"

Damn! That bit of ingeniousness has left me speechless.