Thursday, September 18, 2008

Biden calls paying higher taxes a patriotic act

Oh ya...don't forget...your taxes WILL go up with BHO elected and the economy will go into a full out recession, maybe a depression.


blamin said...

Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves.

jhbowden said...

"Everything for the State; nothing outside the State; nothing against the State." So said Mussolini, who was worshiped by progressives in the 1920s.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." This was radical in Jefferson's time; it will get you called a racist today.

Anonymous said...

as they have been since january 20th, 2001.

Anonymous said...

Spending is out of control. Where do you think they can get the money from? There are three options:
- Cut spending
- Continue spending, don't tax and end up with a huge debt!!(like G.Bush did)
- Continue spending and tax more (like Dems plan to do)

My vote is for the first option.

Anonymous said...

Biden's got it all backwards. It's patriotic to fleece taxpayers and spend this nation into insurmountable debt. Fock, what planet is he living on?

blamin said...
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blamin said...

Bush’s biggest problem was his non-military spending. He went along with Dem’s on the spending increases, in order to gain leverage for the war. Something that he believes is the most important issue facing us.

American, happy to see you’re for McCain/Palin. Even given the last two terms of a Republican president, no sane person would vote for Obama if they’re concerned about gov’t spending.

Can you even imagine the revolting spectacle of an Obama/Pelosi/Reid led federal gov’t? An abomination is what it would be!

Anonymous said...


Who are you kidding? Who was in White house for the past 8 years? Which party elected him? You are talking as if George Bush is from a third party! Unbelievable!

My vote is not against Democrats. My vote is for McCain. However, Palin is making me think really hard about this choice.

Ron said...

Ya, it's patriotic to support your government and troops but NOT at the expense of ME. I didn't mean money! Lower taxes! that brings in more revenue. No matter how counter intuitive it is it really works. Trust me.I have data. Keep lowering taxes and have more!!!!!! Lower them again and get more. Keep lowering them and really get bigger and bigger money! More for our country and especially more for ME! Ignore what is happening right in front of your eyes. That is all about something else. Whatever that something else is...guess what..the liberals who love Mussolini did it. Bush was forced into it by the big bad all powerful spineless Democrats. There is no doubt. Even Rush agrees. All this socialism is because the liberals even exist.

So ends Kindergarden Court.

jhbowden said...


If I had it my way, I'd cut the corporate tax rate to zero. The USA has some of the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. No corporation pays the tax-- it is merely passed on to consumers.

Our tax structure definitely needs to be flatter. Look at the results of the flat taxes in Eastern Europe-- They're getting phenomenal economic growth, something we desperately need if we're going to pay for the entitlement time-bombs that threaten to destroy us.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the new world order perspective, jason

might i suggest bulgaria as a possible haven for you to build a shining future for yourself?

the weather is beautiful this time of year, and i'm sure living conditions in sofia will measure up favorably to anything available in chicago within a short period of time