Thursday, September 11, 2008

From a liberals own words

I love the joke that Obama tells in all his ads about how McCain is 4 more years of Bush...

A liberal put it pefectly here yesterday:

Before Palin, the far-right, hardcore guys like you had no energy or passion. Because, you guys just couldn't stand John McCain. As I have said before, he was going against party line on so many issues - torture, Iraq surge, environment, tax cuts, Illegal immigration...on and on!


Anonymous said...

The fact that I support McCain will make me a 'liberal' in the republican crowd. The same thing will make me a 'conservative' in democratic crowd. It's neither liberal, nor conservative. I call it 'moderate'.

It's a hard thing to explain to party loyalists! :)

Anonymous said...

of course when mccain WAS a maverick, he was against torture, against bush's tax cuts, against drilling offshore and in anwr and for comprehensive immigration reform. then he decided the only way to get people like you to vote for him was to vote against a law banning torture, change his mind on drilling, support the bush tax cuts, and turn his back on the bill he wrote....on and on.

he's a flip-flopper of the most obvious and egregious sort. and he has no shame.

Anonymous said...

"It's neither liberal, nor conservative. I call it 'moderate'."

we used to call it sanity

it's what normal, decent human beings practice and believe in

it is profoundly the "american way"

Scorpion said...

When your credentials to be president are a might as well try to be an entertainer... which really is "oh no" Obamas best quality anyway...

Anonymous said...

now, now, scorpion, he was a "community organizer"

the south side of chicago doesn't look particularly "organized" to me

Dad29 said...

McPain is still crazy after all these years. Palin's job, which is to watch the pitcher of warm spit, makes no difference.

But the alternative is SO much worse...