Monday, September 22, 2008

Poll: Barack Obama could lose six percentage points on election day for being black

Here we go...
the MSM making sure that every single person who is not sure who they want to vote for knows one thing:
If you vote for McCain you are a racist!!!
That might not even be the actual content of the article, but I see more and more stories about how BHO might lose because too many Americans are racist..
No...not because his resume is as thin as Paris Hilton
or that he will tax us right into a depression
or that he will make sure the middle east is allowed to plan the next 9-11 with no disruption
or that he is a big supporter of forcing businesses (like mortgage companies) to give special treatment to certain groups of people. (like all those people who got a loan that shouldn't have)
or that he voted present over 100 times in the Senate...
no no no no no
If you vote for McCain you are a RACIST....ahhhhhhh


Anonymous said...

"or that he is a big supporter of forcing businesses (like mortgage companies) to give special treatment to certain groups of people. (like all those people who got a loan that shouldn't have)"

oh, i see you've caught on to this bogus talking point. it was the liberals that forced the banks to loan money to the poor. this is unadulterated bullbleep, and you know it. the banks lent the money because they could and because they could then package the loans and offload them (and the risk) to deregulated financial instruments.

it is also a lie that he voted present over 100 times in the "Senate". he did so 139 times out of over 4,000 times in the illinois legislature. so what?

btw mccain missed over 64% of the votes in the 110th congress. obama only missed 46%. mccain missed 117 more votes.

nothing here accuses anybody of racism. this is the result of a poll of people who were asked a question. do you doubt that there are people who will not vote for obama because he is black?

Anonymous said...

actually it was none other than mccain's campaign manager, rick davis, who pushed for minority home ownership when he was president of the homeownership alliance, an industry advocacy organization formed mainly be fannie mae and freddie mac.

read it here.

"We have an opportunity in the next decade to increase minority homeownership and significantly reduce the minority homeownership gap. The future of the housing market rests heavily on the economic success of minorities. Howeownership is likely to grow faster among minority Americans in the next decade if all the stakeholders in the housing industry work together to make it happen. The Homeownership Alliance is working toward this goal," said Davis.

Anonymous said...

"he is a big supporter of forcing businesses (like mortgage companies) to give special treatment to certain groups of people. (like all those people who got a loan that shouldn't have)"

- LOL, Seriously, you believe this crap now? Remember, mortgage companies are not charity shows. They had to do what's in their best interest. Why would they do something if it doesn't make sense financially?

Instead of holding those corporations and fed responsible, you put blame on Obama now? This is soo dishonest and retarded, man!!

The Game said...

what do you think ACORN was doing?
Our dem gov got a law passed giving mortgages to illegal immigrants..
You don't think liberals were screaming that blacks were getting rejected for loans more than whites?
you are a complete fool if you don't realize that.
Now, there are definately some Republicans who also went down this road, GWB is one of them.
However, it is not the conservative movement to just give handouts to people, and it was irresponsible lending to people who didn't deserve it that got us in this mess.
Who are these failed institutions giving most of their campaign contributions to?...John Kerry, BHO and Hillary Clinton...oh, and that is a matter what spin you want to put on it.

Anonymous said...

You have got serious issues man!! George Bush and his team has declared one of the biggest bail-out packages for wallstreet - a new height of corporate welfare!! Not even a single word from you - instead you pick on minority and dems?

This is so ridiculous. Irresponsible lending is the reason - I agree. But, you talk as if the irresponsible lending happened only to minorities. Easy money was the reason. They lowered the standards with zero downpayment, interest-only kinda crappy options. Don't they (financial institutions) have any responsibilities or brains? It's such a lame excuse to blame it all on minorities!! Unbelievable.

blamin said...

”Don't they (financial institutions) have any responsibilities or brains?”

And there was a time when these institutions wouldn’t have dared to put their shareholders at risk by making so many crappy loans. The CEO’s of these organizations only served themselves and their shareholders by keeping the organization financially healthy. Plus they were subject to independent audits, which would raise flags if a bank was carrying too much risky loans on the books. Sure there was the occasional rogue, but by and large the banking industry was very stable.

What happened? Government stuck its big nose even deeper into banking business. Pressuring these banks into making a larger percentage of risky loans, and of course the banks saw opportunities to make great sums of money at little risk, because they knew they’d be bailed out”.

But the fault ultimately lies with individual people who got loans they couldn’t repay. Just because something is offered to you don’t mean you should take it, and not knowing any better is no excuse.

This bail-out at its current estimate (700 bil) is going to cost every man, women, and child about 2,333 each. I suggest that if Bush or Dodd or Frank or Obama showed up at the typical family of four’s door, demanding almost 10 thousand dollars, they might just get their ass kicked…or worse!

But they’ll just hide it amongst all the other spending, withhold it from paychecks, and nothing will ever change.

Why? Because government never gets smaller. And as with most things they do, when they shove their sticky, pudgy, greedy little hands into places they don’t belong – they’re going to make things worse, and then demand more money to fix it.

Gov’t will get bigger; it’s only a matter of how much, how fast. You can vote for the person who openly brags they will invent new government to solve all your problems (ha – f’ing liars!) or you can vote for the persons who at least say they’ll try to rein in gov’t.

So your vote comes down to a choice of accelerating or slowing the growth of gov’t.

blamin said...


I got a call from an Obama campaign worker a couple hours ago. She wanted to know “do you support Obama?” I said “no … ah, would you like to know why?” She said “Oh, I know full well, why”, I said “wait just a minute…I’d like” – click – the pinheaded bitch hung up on me!

I guess she’ll write down in her little ledger, one more racist that won’t support Obama.

What a bunch of clueless twits

Marshal Art said...

You can point the finger of anger at Bush for spending the dough to bail out this industry, or you'd point the finger at him for letting the economy go completely in the toilet for doing nothing.

As a rule, I disapprove of corporate bailouts/welfare. But unlike the individual idiot who spends what he hasn't the money for, a corporation's mistake can reverberate in a very nasty manner affecting not only their own employees and customers, but other businesses with whom they do, uh, business. Many people, particularly the pessimistic left and Bush haters, whined about the state of the economy as it was. How much more so should Bush NOT get this deal done? Decide what you'd prefer happen now, then whine later. Personally, I believe this is not insurmountable, even if it will be especially painful. In the future, let the banks decide to whom they will lend money on what criteria they choose. If some minority is pissed he can't get a loan, it'll likely be for not being loan worthy from a financial point of view, and not for being a minority. Banks will NOT deny themselves the chance for making a buck just because a customer has a Spanish accent or lives in the 'hood. At the same time, if they are a private institution, they should be able to loan or not loan for whatever reason makes sense to them, not the government.

The Game said...

obviously minorities were not the only ones getting bad loans, but I backed up my comment with a specific example right here in Wisconsin of the liberal handout mentality.
I also mentioned GWB BY NAME as someone who pushed for "everyone" to own a, many people do not have the money or skill to own a home.

This bailout is way to complex to get a quick, 100 percent bashing from me...
See, unlike the Dems who say whatever it takes to get elected with no regard for the truth or even their own belief system...I comment and base my decisions on facts and the truth.
This is way to complicated for a quick reaction.
I do not like bailouts, and personally I could care less if Fannie and Freddie went under...maybe if they didn't give so much money to Obama they would still be okay...

Anonymous said...

i'm amazed

all of you defenders democracy, entertaining the idea of socialism!

perhaps because they'd only be socializing the LOSSES....

may i ask, how you reconcile this with your "lower taxes" mantra, knowing this is impossible?

hint, a poll taken indicated only seven percent of americans go along with this ponzi scheme

that would seem to indicate that, at least a few of the big bad "libs" would seem to have joined REAL (read: paleo) conservatives, and many others who have been jolted to their senses by the prospect of being on the receiving end of what will essentially be one big three-way

"See, unlike the Dems who say whatever it takes to get elected with no regard for the truth or even their own belief system...I comment and base my decisions on facts and the truth.
This is way to complicated for a quick reaction."

game, then why not, for once, come to grips with the fact that this is something you cannot simply pawn off on "the dems", because blame is across the board, accept that your original instinct was right, and that these bankers don't NEED to be bailed out with our tax dollars, and stop letting the likes of "hank" paulsen scare the living shit out of you, out of simple partisanship, and ignorance of the facts

hint number one

how are the swindlers paulsen, bernanke, and company coming up with these figures, and how will they be cross-verified, with zero transparency?

sure, the "sub-prime" people didn't know the facts, and the bankers violated previously regulated standards to throw money to them

what are YOU doing as a taxpayer, potentially advocating for another unnecessary "program" that you will SURELY pay for, with no idea of how much it will cost you, your dollar devalued beyond all worth, in order to help bail out FOREIGN BANKS along with everyone else?

what would be the next industry you would vote to nationalize?

for God's sake, people, wake up!

The Game said...

hash, I pretty much agree with you that more handouts for bad behavior is wrong...
I am just not sure what will happen if we really do let lots of banks fail...
We don't want a recession...even though we will get one or a depression once obama jacks up taxes

Anonymous said...

"But the fault ultimately lies with individual people who got loans they couldn’t repay." - Blamin

WOW!! I'm shocked! When did we reach this point? There is a reason why we have credit history, credit score and all the system that we built over the years. What happened to all the best practices? These are not new things - All lending Corporations knew this. How come they stopped doing what they are supposed to do?

If I start a business, it's my responsibilty to have all the checks and balances to protect my assets and investements. There is no point in crying if I ignore the reality and take bad steps after bad steps. What happened to 'responsibility'? Anyways...

Anonymous said...

game, the banks will not fail, they will, in essence, bail one another out, with only the strongest and most fiscally conservative left standing, which, if we really claim to have a "free market", is the only honest way to go

this bailout is socialism, pure and simple, which is precisely what the globalists aim to ram down our throats for now

privatize the profits, and socialize the losses, with the taxpayer footing the bill

how do we instruct the next generation that free-market capitalism is the way America really rolls, with a straight face?

american, one hundred percent correct, although i'm adamant that the role quota lending, the "ownership society" myth, and america's growing parasitic class, be properly represented, in the recounting of events leading up to this lunacy

in many cases, the checks and balances actually remained, they simply felt free to ignore them