Monday, October 27, 2008

Wayne Huizenga wants to sell Dolphins before Barack Obama raises tax

There are stories of business owners all over the country who are about to sell parts of their company and potentially lay off workers before they are punished for being too successful.
So they are showing the problem with Obama socialism...people are not going to sacrifice and work hard and take risks because there is a big chance they might fail and if they are successful the govt is going to take more and more of their success away from them.

It is why socialism has never worked take away a persons natural instinct to strive to be the best...liberalism/socialism creates the opposite, and we need to tax the few people left who are successful to pay for all the people on the public dole that liberalism has created.


Scorpion said...

And the free-loader train is getting ready to leave the "station" once imagine in that happening...

Anonymous said...

Wayne's just positioning himself and his business for a government handout when his profit margins take a hit in the course of this economic depression. If he wasn't looking to the future and socking away some of his huge net gains over the last 10 years, then he wasn't being very responsible now was he? Why do these people consistently look for handouts and blame the government for their problems? Amazing.

The Game said...

didn't see anything about handouts...but of course I am against that...unlike Barry Obama

Anonymous said...

But there's a majority of Republic's in the House and Senate who approved the bailout, aka corporate hand-outs. Now I know what Reagan was talking about with welfare queens driving Cadillacs!

I've heard that Johnny McCain thinks the fundamentals of the economy are strong, but he's all about hand-outs when it comes to big business. That sounds like an elite Marxist wealth re-distributor to me.

The Game said...

both parties have sold us out overall...I just pick the one that does it slower

Ron said...

It is why socialism has never worked anywhere?

It seems to me that it's working just as well as anything else in Scandinavia. That's just me though.

Why is it the pure lazzie-Faire economics has never worked anywhere? Can you tell me where it worked to enhance the life of the majority?