Saturday, January 31, 2009

Obama the useful idiot

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it...
Its not my fault it is always liberals thoughts and actions that evil dictators use to their advantage.


Ron said...

Thank you for your division, you are such an assett to humanity.

The Game said...

Obama is an assett to terrorists...

Ron said...

Wait! YOU are aiding the terrorists by criticizing the president in a time of war and refusing to do the things he wants to keep the country strong and safe. No disagreement with the president is allowed. remember!?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Seriously game, I don't wish to be snarky... you, jason, blamin, marshall and I have developed a relationship several years long now. I must tell you that it really is doing you no good to keep up with your attitude.

When times are tough we have the greatest chance for growth and change. This has happened to me over the last year.
You can count all this as hippie dippy, airy fairy stuff but there is scientific proof if you desire to seek it out...
We(as in everybody) are all connected in far more than a symbiotic way. You actually create reality with your thoughts and emotions. If you hate and are suspicious of everyone and everything, that is what you(and/or I) will draw to you. The negative is not good for you personally and the world in general. The more hate and anger is gathered together the more powerful it becomes, again in your personal life and life in general. Look at pcd. A person dripping with venomous hate in every sentence he writes. Do you have any doubt that his life is not the same? Have you ever, even once imagined him as a loving caring person, father or husband? Can you doubt, not even knowing him that his entire world(reality) is surrounded with sad,evil,hateful events?

Just like the more atoms that are gathered together the more mass there is. The same thing applies in a quite literal and scientific sense to our thoughts and emotions. What kind of mass are you creating? What kind do you want to create? Do you belive as you do because you fear not thinking that way? That is what you will create and draw to you...fear. That manifests as reality in your world.

I want what is best for all of us and I am convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that it is not hate, suspicion and fear. I refuse to be a part of that mass and refuse to be a part of the daily soap opera personality cult that is passed off as news and talk shows as reality these days. You are convincing only those who are a part of your mass. If you want to talk ideas and ideals and focus on solutions that are positive for all you may find that people who enjoy thinking will engage and you will benefit them as they benifit you. If you want to do personality cult and gloom and doom...well, surely you can see why many will reject that out of hand. Surely you can understand what you create with that?

I'm not innocent of the violations that I have spoken of above. I am, even as an old guy, still growing and learning. I would like to do some of that growing and learning with you guys but you are offering me nothing that I find growth advancing. You are offering me nothing positive, only negativity, fear and hate. That is not the world I live in. I refuse to create that reality in my life or the world. I want to be a part of the other mass.

I'm not saying in any way you guys are bad or evil or dumb. You may not even recognize what you are doing. I'm saying I like and respect you well enough to reach out and try. If I didn't think you had something to offer I wouldn't be here years later.
Take it or leave it but keep in the back of your mind as the future becomes the present.

Realism said...

I don't know if you realize this, but it's not "appeasement" unless Obama were to actually, you know, GIVE them something.

Obama, unlike bush and most of you, realizes that you don't need to go to war to "look tough" to your enemies.

Obama is smart enought to realize that the only way ahmadinejad has been able to maintain power among increasingly modern and liberal persians is by using America as a propaganda tool to whip up unthinking nationalism and tribalism. you know, like bush did with saddam.

jhbowden said...
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jhbowden said...

Charles Johnson was making fun of this. Unclench your fist! Please! Pretty please! Or, or, we'll, uh, talk to you!

With Obambi in charge, I feel like I'm walking around with a "kick me" sign on my back.

jhbowden said...
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Anonymous said...

"I feel like I'm walking around with a "kick me" sign on my back..."

now, now, if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about

heh, heh, heh