Saturday, January 31, 2009

State senator sought ticket's dismissal

I write about this story because it seems the behavior I see every day transcends all the way to someone elected as a state senator. This is the same state senator who was destroyed by Scott Walker and the same senator who was shown on video looking like a complete fool when she didn't understand a simple bill in the senate.
Now she is the senator who doesn't know what side of the road to drive.
That is not the point.
The point is that there is a growing number of people in our world who think that being as loud and obnoxious as possible gets you out of bad behavior. In addition, I do not understand why it seems to be common place for people to get irate when they are called out for doing something wrong.
Does it have anything to do with the way society is nowadays? No one should ever feel bad about themselves, hurting someones self esteem is the biggest crime you can commit?
Maybe, because I'm sure Taylor felt bad for being pulled over. I hope she was embarrassed for what she did. But instead of being sorry, she was irate for being pulled over.
Not sure if this happens in the 'burbs, but this type of behavior is very common place in the city.


Anonymous said...

"Not sure if this happens in the 'burbs, but this type of behavior is very common place in the city..."

it is almost a pandemic in NYC itself, i could send you reams of links, any cop will recount personal tales of miscreants demanding "courtesy"

in my immediate suburb directly adjacent to NYC, not so much, it's more institutionalized

why do they do it? because it works, way too often...

certain people are directed to behave in exactly that manner, so they can "get over like a fat rat", LOL!

go to any supermarket or big-box store on a crowded saturday,'s part of our culture now