Thursday, February 26, 2009

Monopoly: Taking your money edition


Realism said...

Wow, almost 30 years, and we only managed to run a surplus for 4 years. My eyes are not that good, though, can somebody please tell me what years those were so that we can figure out who was president for that unprecedented reign of fiscal stewardship?

HumbleHumanity said...

The house of Representatives submits budgets. The Republicans were in charge during that time.

Then a war started, supported by the democrats, including the ones who are in charge for the time when we have a $2000 billion (that is $2 trillion) deficit.

If bubba (our first black president) was actually presiding, instead of getting sex therapy in the oval office, i am quite confident he could have spent the money that was a surplus.

Anonymous said...

carpets are easily cleanable, i'll take a surplus and a successful economy for the price of that

bottom line, bush and his filthy, FILTHY neocon bastard scum stole and spent like drunken sailors for eight years, squandered my nation's treasure, doubling our nation's debt and stuffing their own pockets in the process

and not once did game and the revisionist bolshevik jason ever question it, much less denounce it, while it was going on...they wouldn't even admit to what was public record!

not a barky fan, but there's no reason to take heed of their distortions now...

Realism said...

The house of Representatives submits budgets. The Republicans were in charge during that time

I'm not sure what country you live in, but in the United States, the President submits a budget request as per the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, which is created in part by the Office of Management and Budget, which is the largest office in the executive.

The Game said...

you can't even take enough meds to see the end of the chart, the reason it was posted...pathetic

HumbleHumanity said...

The prez submits. The congress approves. Thanks for the correction. It sounds so much better.
Obama wants to spend how many trillion?

Anonymous said...

"you can't even take enough meds to see the end of the chart, the reason it was posted...pathetic..."

intelligent comeback

The Game said...

pointing out the fatal error and the waste of time the libs made in responding to this simple chart. The comments made about it are the ones lacking in intelligence. When I see something so simple,something that has such a clear message, and it is even in picture form, it makes me wonder how someone who doesn't have the ability to see that simple message can function on a daily basis.
I guess I don't have any proof that is the case.

Anonymous said...

game, what part of "bush destroyed our economy, and set us up for obama to finish us off", don't you understand?

did a big bus pick you up for school when you were a kid, or a teeeeny little one, LOL?

jhbowden said...

It looks like we gone from spend and spend, to spend spend spend spend spend.

We. Are. Screwed.

Realism said...

"When I see something so simple,something that has such a clear message, and it is even in picture form, it makes me wonder how someone who doesn't have the ability to see that simple message can function on a daily basis."

Unlike you, I don't just look for 'simple messages' (a.k.a. talking points), I ask questions. For example, what caused the situation that made that kind of deficit spending appear to be necessary and appropriate?

It's not as if the economic position we find ourselves in was the product of chance, a historical accident. Republicans have had control of the economic agenda for the last eight years, and their ideology has been tested. The policies that they are advocating to fix the problem (that they created) are the same ones that they have implemented over the past 8 years. These policies have enriched them greatly, but have permanently damaged the American economy and the concept of free market capitalism itself.

it makes me wonder how someone who doesn't have the ability to see that simple cause and effect relationship can function on a daily basis.

jhbowden said...
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jhbowden said...

Republicans have had control of the economic agenda for the last eight years, and their ideology has been tested.

Realism, the Democrats seized both the House and Senate in 2006. The House of Representatives in particular controls the purse strings. All the President can do is either veto or not veto. The GOP since it took Congress in 1994 had a stellar economic record.

Hey, you're the one who draws cause and effect relationships based on such considerations.

BTW, I hope the Democrats get every policy item they want-- high taxes, nationalized industries, runaway spending, inflated currency -- go for it guys! We're all in it together now! Everyone can play a part in this real-life Götterdämmerung.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, I hope the Democrats get every policy item they want-- high taxes, nationalized industries, runaway spending, inflated currency -- go for it guys! We're all in it together now! Everyone can play a part in this real-life Götterdämmerung..."

that's because it fits into your end game, of destroying america as a sovereign nation, one step closer to globalism, and one-world government

you're just more satisfied now, because the dems will get us there faster

jhbowden said...

"you're just more satisfied now, because the dems will get us there faster"

Today's world looks like a cross between Atlas Shrugged and The Camp of the Saints. The sooner we get this over with, the better. There aren't any alternatives to the Democrats either -- our choices are the Secular Socialist Party and the Jesus Socialist Party. The GOP used to have economics Ph.D.'s in its ranks like Phil Gramm and Dick Armey. Now we have pro-government boobs like Romney and Palin leading the pack.

Ron said...

one step closer to globalism, and one-world government

Hash we don't agree on everything but with this sentence I see you have peaked under the curtain and see what is REALLY happening. Both sides are doing it because both sides are run by the globalists. The government is NOT in charge, no matter who is in the government. They are owned! That includes Bush and Obama. The only difference is Bush knew it,was a part of it and played along. Obama doesn't know it so they will have to manipulate him...which they will do, successfully.

Ron said...

Oh yes, game it is monopoly doubt about that, it has been for decades and decades. Another tool in the manipulation, the joke...that is on you and me.

Anonymous said...

"Obama doesn't know it..."

oh, STOP, ron

he knows it, they ALL know it, knowing is just one prerequisite for admission

the point is to vanquish the beast