Thursday, February 12, 2009

Where is the stimulus in the stimulus package?

Most economist agree the best way to stimulate the economy is to provide tax cuts.
Obama campaigned that there would be huge tax cuts for most Americans.
It is a fact to anyone with a clue that Dems simply say things to get elected. They are not the dumb ones, that would be the people who believe them.
So here is the $13 a week workers will get in tax cuts. I can just feel the economy taking off now.
Officials estimated it would mean about $13 a week more in people's paychecks when withholding tables are adjusted in late spring. Critics say that's unlikely to do much to boost consumption.

The second best way to stimulate the economy is with in increase in infrastructure spending. This is the ONLY way Obama talked about the "stimulus" package when he first started talking about it.
$46 billion would go to transportation projects such as highway, bridge and mass transit construction; many lawmakers wanted more.

Most of this is pushing through the liberal agenda Dems have wanted to do for 40 years. They know that no one would agree and actually vote for this stuff on its own, but they think they can get it done now.

Just go back and watch that town hall meeting to see where we are headed. There are more and more people that think they should be given everything. A house, a washer, a kitchen, free this, free that.

That is not how America works, and it wont work.
You need a vast majority of people working hard and taking care of themselves so we can have extra resources to give a push to the people who need some help.
That is the way it used to be and based on the way things are right now they will probably never get back to that.
It is a shame.

libs see this as bashing them, I just love what America was and can be. Socialism doesn't work really anywhere, especially somewhere this big and with this many free-loaders. I LOVE helping people who need it and want it...this is not it. This is the govt controling everything we do and thinking it can take from the less and less people who actually do something and give it to the more and more who expect everything.


Realism said...

"Most economist agree the best way to stimulate the economy is to provide tax cuts."
That is a lie. Our economy is suffering from a lack of demand. People and businesses would take a tax cut and either save it or use it to pay down debt. No businesses are going to create jobs when nobody is buying.

"Socialism doesn't work really anywhere, especially somewhere this big and with this many free-loaders."
How is spending money to build schools, roads, bridges and IT infrastructure "Socialism"? Who is actually going to be doing that stuff? the government? NO - PRIVATE COMPANIES THAT ARE SUFFERING FROM A LACK OF DEMAND WILL BE BACK TO WORK!

Like I said in your earlier post, your lazy propaganda just labels anything that goes counter to your discredited ideology as "Socialism". WORDS HAVE MEANING.

The Game said...

is that all we are doing? building things?
Nope, tons and tons of socialism, get that crap out of there first, then build all you want...

Realism said...

You obviously don't know what socialism means.

Once again, words have meaning.

Sometimes to get a chuckle, I will read the rants of people like you and I will mentally substitute the word "boogeyman" for your "red words" like "socialist" or "liberal".

I mean PLEASE! for once, be a little bit rigorous analytically and explain how the government is "controling everything we do" or provide any economists that think that tax cuts are the best way to stimulate the economy.


Ron said...

Your boogeyman thought is right on the money to speak..realism. Be it socialism or not he has been taught to see it as a negative. There are lots of countries that do just as well as we do that have socialist elements to them. This is a heresy to state by people on the right. We have plenty of proof right before our very eyes that tax cuts(redistribution of wealth to the wealthy, leaving more of the bill to those less able to pay game and you and me)are not the most effecient or best way to make the economy work. We have a history that shows that when we were building things it was the peak of our middle class life in this country. Yet, they are taught buy limbaugh university et al that this is wrong and evil to even suggest. It is at least as indoctrinal as any "liberal" university, but don't tell them that either. They can give you plenty of goal post moving reasons everything I said is hogwash. Learned straight from Professor Hannity.

Ron said...

Game, please give up on the freeloaders crap. Yes there are some. Theres some of everything everywhere. I don't usually do this but please show me stats because I fail to believe that it is any signifigant part of our country or any signifigant part of our spending. This is a fantasy to make you feel superior to the poor and only that.

The Game said...

stats on specifically what?
Ron, I can give you a stat that shows WHERE most people are getting free money...and I work in the inner city, and I am very confident a VAST majority of them are free loaders...they have no desire to work hard to do what it takes to make it on their own. they expect things from the govt and use their money to buy cell phones and expensive clothes. I live it every day, you can't tell me otherwise. And I didn't say EVERYONE, I know somewhere between 20-30 percent really want to do better.

Anonymous said...

i guess what's frustrating, besides the abuses of public assistance seen in the ghetto and the fact that so many deny its existence, is that, game, you are overstating the effects of these programs on our current economic situation, while supporting overwhelmingly unpopular wars in other lands, crooked givebacks to bank officials, every kind of malfeasance from enron to halliburton, and, most importantly, the unprecedented, massive deficit YOUR political party of choice squandered us into...

that, you stick your head into the sand over, so i think you choose to highlight the inner-city abuses, precisely because that's where the left dropped the ball...

and, incidentally, it's not all black welfarians, either

the poorest and most public-assistance dependent municipality in america is an exclusively chasidic jewish community named kiryas joel, about thirty miles north of here, and they are ALL staunch republican voters...when you hit the rust belt like ohio, michigan, and , parts of the south, the appalachian areas, there is white poverty and there are white welfare a society, we give them a pass, not out of racism, but because they don't generate nearly as much crime as non-whites, particularly blacks, and they do not run down our culture and victimize our people to such a vast extent

so, it's not so cut and dry, as "i really want them to do better", game

if the right wants to be taken seriously again by americans, they need to stop making excuses, crying about "being conservatives" when conservatism is largely what got this nation into this mess, appointing tokens like steele, thinking that's impressive, and get some new solutions and ideas happening, because the same old ways won't do

Ron said...

Game, They passed welfare reform. Are you admitting it didn't work?

We are all in agreement that people should work and contribute to society. Some people don't. Some are on assistance, some fake disability(the biggest problem that needs a solution in this area) some are in jail.Some of those because they can't make a living. We could let them starve or sleep in the street instead of giving them assistance they use to buy a cell phone but I think that may have some rather nasty consequences.

The world isn't a utopia, there's cheaters everywhere. We all know that and I would venture to say we all don't like it. Do you have any solutions that may help alleviate this problem of lazy people? A way to make them feel incentive to succeed or are they doomed to just be scum that you smugly hate and pillory for not being as good as you are. I do have some ideas but you won't like them because the call for rewarding work with a living wage a promise of health care as a right for all and stuff like that.

Actually hash 41% of the assistance goes to white people. I looked it up. More than any other ethnic group. TANF is less than one percent of our annual budget at about 1.8 billion. Food stamps over the last couple of years has been about 25-30 billion. Both of those together maybe 2% of our national spending. To get any of this one must me stringent restrictions and work/work training rules. I'm willing to bet the majority of the people getting that 2% would love to not have to depend on it and be free of the red tape and restrictions. They would like to live a better life.

Meanwhile health care spending in this country is up to 17% of gdp. Not of the budget but the entire gdp of the country! Trillions of dollars! Wanna save some money and make the country a better more vibrant place? Fix that. Got any ideas on a solution we could kick around or just a complaint.