Monday, May 25, 2009

Obama's Stimulus Projects Won't Amount to Major Infrastructure Overhaul

Of course, that's the one part of the bill I supported and thought might actually do some good...
Well, I gave him the benefit of the doubt on that one and he proved to be what I thought he was...


Jim said...

But I thought you were criticizing the President because the stimulus package would take too long to start stimulating. From your linked article:

"This stems from the law's main purpose: creating jobs quickly. It prioritizes projects that will be completed within three years. Major highway construction typically takes 13 years from start to finish, reports the Federal Highway Administration.

So more than three quarters of the approved highway projects' funds will go to repaving and widening roads, while less than 6 percent will pay for new construction, according to the investigative nonprofit ProPublica. Other reports show that smaller, rural projects, like bridges, often receive funding priority over those that might get more traffic, largely because they can be launched more quickly."

Anonymous said...

We need more vans to drive the elderly to their doctor's appointments...