Friday, July 24, 2009

Health care debate

Last two night I have been out at bars with friends, mostly teachers, some conservative, most slightly liberals and one or two hard core liberals.
Both nights the topic of Obamacare came up and NO ONE...yes NO ONE defended it...even the hard core liberals jumped in.
One friend has a wife who does accounting for a hospital. She says anytime anyone comes to the hospital with govt health care (medicade or badgercare) the hospital loses money.
We are in a world of hurt people. This health care plan will end our countries way of operating and living as we know it.
The only people defending this are hard core liberals and very young people who have not learned anything about life yet.
The only people who even raised a question or two were a 23 and 25 year old girl. They just had no idea how bad it was because they are not that far removed from their super-liberal college experience.
Keep fighting conservatives, we need to save the country from Comrade Obama


The Game said...

I knew my points were too good

Jim said...

Not really. Just not very interesting. We don't know your friends, how "liberal" they are, how informed they are or anything else.

Ron said...

We are in a world of hurt people. This health care plan will end our countries way of operating and living as we know it.

We are in a world of hurt game. Doing nothing will not improve that...guaranteed. The private for profit model has had decades to get it right and can't or won't. Let's here some ideas,or are you only programmed to whining and fearmongering? If you can make the for profit healthcare model work i will join you. No one has shown me anything like that so far. Whining about something that is different is the worst way to go. Do SOMETHING. Nothing will be perfect but we can fix it as we go along. The way we are doing it now nothing is getting fixed. It is bankrupting our country. I guess if private entities do it it is the American way huh?

The Game said...

actually you are wrong Ron, nothing is better is the "something" is turning us into a socialist country...and that is EXACTLY what this plan does. There will be NO private health care once it is fully enacted, it will cost MORE and give us WORSE that really better Ron?
Maybe to a liberal, since the govt will be in charge of just that much more of our lives.