Friday, August 07, 2009

Dems try and take away people's free speech

Look at how mad the dems get when people speak out against them. They are only for free speech when it is their speech. Otherwise they try and demean the people they do not agree with and try and change the subject. Maybe I would too since they are losing this debate very very badly:

Pelosi: Protesters Are 'Carrying Swastikas'...
Dem Congressman: 'What we're seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics'...
DEAF: AARP Ignores Then Walks Out On Members...
AFL-CIO head: 'We want your help to organize major unions to counter the right-wing 'Tea Party Patriots'...


Anonymous said...

Most people are just laughing at this bizarre assembly of senior citizens and circus clowns. Let them exercise all the free speech they want. It gets funnier by the day!

Anonymous said...

You are an ASS! When Geo W. Bush had meetings, anyone who even looked at the president funny was escorted out. The Repugnicans established "free speech zones", remember that? I thought the entire country was a Free Speech Zone. No, these Astroturf/Town Maul/Screaming Nazis are just doing the bidding of the drug companies through 3rd party "citizens groups" and do not even belong to the district they have been bussed in to attend and disrupt. Town hall meetings should be first bastion of democratic discourse, but the Rebugnicans have thwarted even this. Last grapsing breath of a dying party. Get with the program or die! You are wasting everybody's time.

Jim said...

There is a limit to free speech. Remember Gates and the "public disturbance?"

These mobs are creating a public disturbance. They are free to be escorted out of a meeting which they are disrupting, just as Code Pink was escorted away when they disrupted political discourse.

Your arguments are phony and fewer and fewer people are believing them.

American said...

First of all, we all know Republicans and their “love” towards free speech. So, let’s not even go there. Smiles…

However, I have to agree with Game on principle though I don’t approve the way these groups are conducting themselves. It’s wrong for Dems to criticize those who oppose the healthcare reforms. It’s part of the democracy. What did they expect – a cakewalk? These are major changes and I wouldn’t be surprised if half of population resists the changes.

At the same time, I am quite disappointed with the way these groups show up and shout down everyone. That’s not debate – it’s more like a riot. Also, looking at some of the protestors, I’m not sure if they are angry at the policy or Obama!!

TerryN said...

Maybe the elderly should throw sandbags off of overpasses, you know, like the Obama fans at the RNC in the twin cities did.

Anonymous, I really hope you don't get old. You will look like a clown to your children.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe the elderly should throw sandbags off of overpasses, you know, like the Obama fans at the RNC in the twin cities did."

Or maybe....or maybe....

Get off the What If? express, old man. Defend your comrades, the teabaggers, or get off the pot.

HumbleHumanity said...

I thought the "pot" was medicinal?

"or maybe" if they made all "pot" legal we would all be healthier. Anonymous may have just started a new "movement".

The Game said...

the anons are worthless and not worth the time..america has good points...its almost three in the morning...maybe comment more later

Scorpion said...

The anon's are obviously senile their points of view...very laughable though..need a good laugh first thing in the morning...

PCD said...

Sounds like Che Hashhole's compadre, MoPoop is coming over from the Radio Equalizer's site. The only things MoPoop hasn't done here is his usual death threats to conservatives.