Saturday, August 08, 2009

Wisconsin State Fair Day 3: Friday August 7th review and Saturday August 8th preview

Mainstage Review: Slaughter/Dokken/Jackyl: It was an 80's hair band night at the Wisconsin State Fair Friday night. It's too bad Waterworld was not made in the 80's or it would have been perfect. It rained very, very hard for almost two hours before the concert. However, the gods must have wanted to hear very middle-of-the-road, drunken music that was moderately popular 25 years ago. Slaughter and Dokken played 45 minute sets, just about right for what they are. Slaugher screatched out "Fly to the Angels" and "Up all Night." Dokken seemed to have a few bigger hits, but since they had their original lead-singer, his best days were behind him. He relied on the crowd of about 2600 to sing the biggest hits...that I can not remember right now..oh well, it was a very forgetable night over-all. So we had a below average show, then Jackyl came onto the stage. They were also supposed to play 45 minutes, yet after an hour and 15 minutes we had a show that was pretty poor to a show that ended up being one of the worst of all time. The lead singer drank over a half a bottle of crown royal which gave him the idea that he should hum the national anthem into his guitar. The show ended with him destroying a bar stool with a chain saw. While the show equally destroyed my night, the fans loved it and 200-300 of them waited after the show to meet the band. The only good part of the show was that the managers for Jackyl were very persistant in getting this crowd through the line fast. Once again, the State Fair security did a great job in keep order with a situation that easily could have gotten out of hand. Let's hope for a better show tonight

FOOD UPDATE: Got chocolate covered was not very good. Thought it would be warm and fried and more bacon flavored. It was mostly chocolate. I couldn't even give it away after I had one. (they are 2 for $3). Think I might get Saz's or a Giant Taco today...we shall see.

Saturday, August 8th Preview:

Time Warner Cable Mainstage: Keith Anderson with Jason Michael Carroll and Noah's Ark (just kidding on that last one) 8pm

sentry foods Day - saturday, august 8
Join Sentry Foods in Central Mall from 10am - 5pm for a fun filled day of family activities. Sentry will be offering FREE samples of a variety of products throughout the day along with many activities and contests for the children to enjoy. Also watch for special guest appearances during the day.

CHILDREN’S CONTESTS—Longest Hula Hoop, Best Dance Move, Parent/Child Look-a-Like, Biggest Smile, and Longest Braids 2pm

Cousins Subs® Amphitheater
Think Floyd 8pm

Sports Zone
11:30am, 1:30, 4:30, 6:30pm Pro BMX presents BIKES & BOARDS
3:30pm Milwaukee Iron Arena Football Demonstration
12:30, 2:30, 5:30 & 7:30pm Timber Tina’s World Champion LUMBERJILLS

Budweiser: Cherry Pie 8-midnight
Miller Lite Park: The now 330-730
Miller Lite Sports Bar: Rythem Method 745-1145
WaterStreet: Boo the Band 7-midnight
many, many more acts, entertainment and tons of food...visit here for all info


HumbleHumanity said...

Was the Slaughter lead singer a replacement?

Scorpion said...

Not positive yet...we think so..will find out for sure later today...

The Game said...

original singer