Friday, August 21, 2009

Some of the lies Obama is telling about his health care plan

Obama promised once again that a health care overhaul “will be paid for.” But congressional budget experts say the bills they’ve seen so far would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade.

He said the plan "that I put forward" would cover at least 97 percent of all Americans. Actually, the plan he campaigned on would cover far less than that, and only one of the bills now being considered in Congress would do that.

He said the "average American family is paying thousands" as part of their premiums to cover uncompensated care for the uninsured, implying that expanded coverage will slash insurance costs. But the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation puts the cost per family figure at $200.

Obama claimed his budget "reduced federal spending over the next 10 years by $2.2 trillion" compared with where it was headed before. Not true. Even figures from his own budget experts don’t support that. The Congressional Budget Office projects a $2.7 trillion increase, not a $2.2 trillion cut.

The president said that the United States spends $6,000 more on average than other countries on health care. Actually, U.S. per capita spending is about $2,500 more than the next highest-spending country. Obama’s figure was a White House-calculated per-family estimate.


Anonymous said...

Obama spends a trillion on Americans and the right bellyaches for immediate results.

Bush spends a trillion on Iraq and the right tells us that we'll know if we're successful after 20 years.

How would you rather spend a trillion dollars?

The Game said...

way to stick to the issue

Anonymous said...

It's obvious to any who've spent time reading your blog that you have a penchant for whining about anything/everything BO does. Bring up what a lousy prez GWB was and you fold like a wet blanket.

Your silence is telling.

PCD said...

Anon-a-louse, same could be said for you and Obama.

Scorpion said...

When I think of "b.o." I always realize it imagination in that...

Jim said...

"But congressional budget experts say the bills they’ve seen so far would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade." There is no bill yet, and thus the President has signed no bill. There is still opportunity to finish a bill that is deficit neutral, so your "lie" here falls flat.

"Actually, the plan he campaigned on would cover far less than that, and only one of the bills now being considered in Congress would do that." There is no bill yet, and thus the President has signed no bill. There is still opportunity to finish a bill that will cover 97% of all Americans, so your "lie" here falls flat.

"But the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation puts the cost per family figure at $200." Is that for 1 year or 5 years? If 5 years or more, that could be more than $1,000, so your "lie" here falls flat.

The deficit item may be true. Obama may be optimistic. That's never happened in the history of the US.

"Obama’s figure was a White House-calculated per-family estimate." Yes that is the per family spending, and it is higher than other countries, countries ranked higher than 37th in the world. Obama misspoke, using the total cost instead of the difference. An easy mistake rather than a lie.

The Game said...

looks like Jim is admitting the bills democrats have proposed are crap and do exactly what my post says they will do..
by all means, lets get a bill that really helps health care..I have listed what I think should happen on a earlier post with American..

and anon..someone who is losing an arguement or has no point always tries to change the subject..if I answered every stupid comment put on here from someone who is so ashamed of themselves they cant even comment with a name I would have to quit my very high paying and successful going to guess you do not have that problem

Jim said...

But in fact YOU are changing the subject. The point of your post is that Obama lies. When I point out the fallacy of your argument, YOU change the subject to "it's the Democrat's bill".

The Game said...

you did not do any such thing...the bills that are being presented do EXACTLY what I said, Obama wants THIS BILL when he says things that the bill does not do or is not...he is lying..this is not hard stuff Jim..

PCD said...

Democrats are liars. Jim is a liar. Using circular logic, Jim is a Democrat.

There hasn't been a debate, just ordinations by the one. You want to lower healthcare costs, lets start with the root causes of the high price, TORT LAWYERS AND RIDICULOUSLY HUGE JUDGEMENT THAT LARGLY GO TO THE LAWYER, like that shyster Edwards.

Jim said...

PDC, as always you show your ignorance. Medical malpractice costs from liability accounts for less than 1.5% of the overall cost of health care. And the trend of malpractice lawsuits has been flat to lower over the last 10 years.

And yet the cost of health care is skyrocketing. Tort lawyers are a VERY small part of cost and are NOT adding to the increase.

PCD said...

OstrichJim, because of the outrageous settlement and judgements, Doctors are doing CYA to the hilt with costly tests. Only fools like you don't see that while swallowing your DNC Kool-aid.

Jim said...

PCDummy, see above 1.5%. Today George will said that if we could wring every last penny out of the drug companies by competitive bidding that would only save 2% of health care costs and "that's a drop in the bucket". Yet 1.5% for malpractice will save health care?

The logic is appalling!

Anonymous said...

"they cant even comment with a name..."

This coming from "The Game." I had no idea that driving the special ed bus qualifies as high paying?

Scorpion said...

Hey there will always be a place on
that bus for those making these "jumbled"...anonymous enjoyable posts...certainly like to
follow the "articulation" of the misinformed and the anonymous..

Scorpion said...

ah...jumbled witty as you usually are...not..