Wednesday, September 09, 2009

GOP leaders haven't met Obama for health talks since April

Just shows that "bipartisan" to liberals means that Republicans have to do whatever they say..
Just common sense says that if you are to work together, you have to meet and compromise..
Boys and girls, that means that both sides would give up some of what they want to agree on other things.
However, you cant do that if you refuse to even meet with the other side...
Again, Obama wants everything the way he wants it, and will let the media demonize Republicans when they do not roll over and do what about 80% of the American people want them to do.


Andy said...

Exactly. The Gang of Six consists entirely of Democrats.....

The president's strategy has been to take a back seat to Congress. The GOP has been intricately involved in negotiations.

Realism said...

"Obama ... will let the media demonize Republicans when they do not roll over and do what about 80% of the American people want them to do."

Yes, if those Republicans would just REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENTS instead of the insurance and medical industries, we as a country would be in much better shape.

Realism said...

PCD has quite the problem with projection.

Funny how he neglects to provide examples.

Anonymous said...

PCD = Joe Wilson sockpuppet

Dorkwin's always had projection problems. Nothing new there.

PCD said...

annon-a-louse, you want to keep lying? Do you even know who the GOP Leaders in the Senate are? Sure as HELL isn't Olympia Snowe!