Saturday, October 24, 2009

Obama declares swine flu a national emergency

optimistic estimates that as many as 120 million doses of the vaccine could be available by mid-October.


So far only 11 million doses have gone out to health departments, doctor's offices and other providers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials.

and you want them to be in charge of everyone's health care...
you have got to be kidding me...


American said...

Just curious - Why are you so negative all the time?

Can't you be just an american (not partisan) for once even in the face of an emergency?

Jim said...

Ahem. The H1N1 vaccine is produced by private companies, not the government.

If the feds pushed for faster production, you and the wingnutOsphere would complain that the they are rushing it.

But admit it, you're not going to take the vaccine anyway because it is poison designed to kill off Republicans.


Scorpion said...

There's certainly poison and wingnuts out there Jim..but their the political majority in imagination in that...

The Game said...

I make points as I see them..destroying our health care system is serious and any patriot will try and stop this czar from destroying our country..

Jim...I will not take the vaccine because I do not take any vaccines, nor does anyone in my family. We exercise, have a healthy diet and do not have any health risks that would cause any illness that vaccines "protect" against from killing us...

Look at how many more vaccines there are now than 25 years ago...are we better off now or then?
There are tons of vaccines I never got..and I seem to be just fine..healthier than most...the few diseases that actually do cause serious health problems no matter how healthy you are should be taken, stuff like flu and chicken pox...come on...

The Game said...

oh and Jim and American...see educational post below is you want to learn how to have a civil debate...its possible..
And if Obama ever does or says anything I agree with, I'll post it here...
I have actually...the two or three times he told kids to stop blaming everyone else and starting working hard in school...problem is every single thing him and liberals do says the exact opposite.

Norm said...

I love it. You make hysterical, inaccurate posts and cry about the lack of serious debate.

PCD said...

Obama hasn't even given the H1N1 vaccine to HIS kids. If it isn't good enough for them, then why our kids?

Jim said...

You are so informed. You must know that he has given seasonal flu shots to his children and WILL have them take the H1N1 vaccine at such time that it is widely available to the general populace.

Anonymous said...

Had Obama innoculated his kids BEFORE the shots were widely available to regular folks...the conswervatives would have had a field day.

Game calls himself a Patriot? Did he serve in uniform, or pass on that opportunity to actually earn the right to call himself a Patriot? Just askin.

Scorpion said...

If someone thinks serving in the military is the only way possible to have the "right" to be considered patriotic they are more intellectually challenged than their posts at this RIGHT ON site usually serves as daily entertainment...definitely no imagination in that...

Realism said...

"If only people in the military are allowed to talk about their country or what happens in it, then there would be no Democrats in actually, go for it..."

Actually, I wish that were true, we could've avoided Cheney AND Limbaugh

Anonymous said...

It's not about who's allowed to "talk about their country" but rather who's allowed to refer to themselves as "patriots." Big difference Game. Your snipes about anonymity ring hollow while you use Game as your moniker.

Good point by Realism. So Game, is Dick Cheney a "patriot"? The man who had "other priorities" than Viet Nam and got multiple deferments? Or is he just another wannabe patriot who didn't have the balls to put his life on the line when his country called?

I report, you decide.

And the fact is, I have "other priorities" than to set up an account with a cute little name like Game or Tank or Patriot as my screen name. Hope you can understand.