This is what people should focus on right now...not about how GWB hates blacks and the next plot to get him.
Think about how we are all Americans....and how we can look at the good.
We do not always need to focus on the negative...that does not bring us hope and strength..
Which will make you feel good and hopefull, the pictures on this link, or another Keith Olbermann story about how terrible our government and country are....maybe some take comfort and pride in that.
Ugh! I just read several posts on this link site. The post by Pollywantacracker, the one in which h/she provided a link to lynchings of black men was totally inappropriate. Then this Polly person a couple of posts further down admits that these lynchings were something that happened in the PAST. I have one thing to add, and that is: LEAVE THE PAST IN THE PAST! THAT PAST HAS VIRTUALLY NOTHING TO DO WITH TODAY'S REALITY. If people like Polly would read more of Thomas Sowell's articles and books they would realize that this sort of dwelling on the past, thus labeling of certain races as victims, creates the victim mentality. The respectful way to treat them is as we expect anyone else to behave: with responsible mannerisms. Otherwise, they will become self fulfilling prophecies. Expect them to be responsible, and demand responsible behavior, and although it is painful for everyone at first, the end result will be better than treating them as incapable victims of racism. Victims of the flood, yes. Victims of racism, no. Victims of incompetent LA gov officials, yes. Victims of GWB, no. For anyone interested, there are several excellent articles on yesterday's www.boortz.com's web site about exactly how long the LA gov has been ignoring and mismanaging the levees, including the #17 levee. The truth will come out. There are too many who know the truth about what LA has been neglecting.
Rather disputable.
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