Go here to read the story
My question is: Why does it seem that school shootings only happen in white schools?
It is clear that there is much more over-all disorder and violence in the inner city, but I never hear stories like this.
Is it because the stories are hidden?
Is there another reason?
I want people to comment before I give my opinion...
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Principal hailed as hero in school shooting
Posted by
The Game
2:16 PM
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Well, here is my answer:
Raising kids more and more liberaly has caused them to be unable to handle anything in life. At home, they are never yelled at, they are never spanked...they are told they never do anything wrong, because we can't hurt their self-esteem.
Well, kids need to know when they mess up, they need to feel bad when they do something wrong, they need to be able to handle stress and disapointment...
These kids are so sheltered that when they do face a problem, they go nuts...their whole pussy self concept of the world comes shattering down on them, they don't know what to do...
The lived a life where sports didn't keep any scores, no dodge ball so they didn't get hit and laughed at, and the list goes on and on...
I'm not saying to raise kids like in the 50's and beat their asses, but kids back then grew up understanding what real life was going to be like...they can handle problems, they can deal with situations, they were taught what right and wrong was...
That is no more...no right and wrong, everyone is an individual, everyone has to be tolerant...well, that is not the real world...when you fuck up in school, you get punished....not like at home...so you think "this isn't fair" and since you never had to deal with negative pressure situations your whole life, you shoot people
What is the basis of your assertion that Columbine is a liberal community? And if it was/is, what does that have to do with the actions of 2 students out of hundreds?
Didn't the two kids get guns from their families? Couldn't possibly be liberal if they had guns.
"Some races are more covert when they commit crimes." ????
I have two cousins, sisters. One maintains a "liberal" household, the other a very conservative, Christian household with a very strict husband.
The "liberal" family has produced 4 children, two of whom are college graduates, one with an advanced degree. Both have begun promising careers, one in medicine. The two younger children are in high school and college. Both are star soccer players, one plays "club" soccer, and both are excellent students.
The conservative family has produced 3 children. The first has been in and out of juvenile facilities since he became a teenager. The second child is currently in a drug rehabilitation center after having been in trouble with the law several times. The youngest is 13 and so far has managed to remain clean. We pray for him.
"Raising kids more and more liberally has caused them to be unable to handle anything in life." Bull Pucky!
Way to do what all liberals do, find the execption to the rule...your sample size is just a bit to small Jim...
No Game, I'm only pointing out that you have little if any evidence to support your "rule."
I agree with Game. And yes, if you examine the underlying beliefs of the present populations in those towns where infamous white kids shoot 'em up', you will find the erosion of discipline, of standard, 'old fashioned' Christian values, has occurred over the last 15 - 20 years. Politics is only used as a tool to evaluate these underlying beliefs and moral values, or lack thereof, according to 'old school' philosophies. Liberals typically have the sort of attitudes that the Game speaks of. When they raise children this way, more often than not, the results are disastrous.
And yes, Jim your sample size is too small. Here's a homework assignment for you. Take a look at the crime rates in the geographical areas that are primarily politically conservative. Then take a look at the crime rates in the typically liberal communities. Oh yeah, underlying belief systems do influence one's political orientation. In turn, the crime rates are also reflective of those underlying belief systems.
The Columbine shooters were struggling with lots of recent social changes in their community. Kids can be very sensitive to hypocrisy; their sense of right and wrong is much more fresh and unadultered by needing to be "PC". Kids are much more vulnerable to depression when they are faced with society's hypocrisies. When they are faced with too much, things like this happen.
Sorry jager, but you are wrong...
You put a negative spin on the word "politics," but EVERYTHING is based on a person’s philosophy.
How they raise their kids is 100% a philosophy, this topic can definitely not be excluded.
In addition, I never used the word democrat or republican...I used the word liberal. A liberal parent is going to put their kids in "time out" a liberal parent is going to have "talks" with a 3 year old about their actions. It is a legit philosophy.
Many people want to say politics is only about some people in Washington or Madison, I wish it were that simple.
Next time you get a pay check, when you want to get beer after 9pm, next time you get a speeding ticket or parking ticket, next time you want to park downtown, drive downtown, when the economy tanks and you lose your job, its all about "politics."
steph, well done once again...
quick poll in the teacher computer lab 9 say it is about politics and philosophy, 0 say it isn't.
Once again, Stephanie, your ideas dont add up. You say jim's sample size is too small, and along with game, 'find the exception' as a liberal supposedly would. Your very assertion was that the liberalization of childrearing has occured over the past 15-20 years, and that is close. The correlation, of course, is to compare crime rates over that period of time. Violent crime has plummeted over that timespan. Non-violent crime has decreased, but not as rapidly. Is the whole US a big enough sample. or would you like to find another exception or excuse?
Scorpion says---
Dud, if you think violent crimes in public schools is really reported and is part of your decreasing crime rate, you need a reality check. I can say that in three plus decades of seeing what goes on in a number of specific schools the actual reporting of acts that should be classified as violent and as a crime might be fifty per cent. The school always seems to have a way to call it something less than what the action really was-we'll"handle it."
crime rate in school and school shootings is way up...that was the topic...
Scorpion, dude,
Must be all those liberal statisticians who are biased against taking into account supposed under-reporting. Being liberals, they probably never learned how to study such phenomena and adjust for them in their results. Because these suggested anomolies are a totally new thing, and the uninformed whiney liberal statisticians wouldn't know how to account for them.
Have you examined the underlying beliefs of the present populations of those towns? Is there somewhere online that I can read your data and findings? Or can you provide a link to articles and studies examining the underlying beliefs of all these towns that link the underlying beliefs of the town's population, as a whole, to the school shootings.
I think it would be interesting reading.
it would not be hard to look at voting paterns for towns...I would like to see that as well...
as far as what the scorpion said...he said that inner city schools have WAY more problems than are reported and he is right...now THIS is something that has nothing to do with politics...it has to do with trying to makd it through the day with your sanity...so many kids are breaking so many rules in these schools that the rules can not be properly enforced...period...that is what he is saying...
every single thing that happens in the burbs is reported because it is out of the norm and easy to see...
I believe SR was referring to "underlying beliefs" not voting patterns. These are two different things.
but if you wanted to find out if an area tended to be more liberal or conservative you could use voting patterns
Jim: Game is right. He knew that the gist of my message was that if you examine the past and present political beliefs (which, obviously, to everyone but the liberals here...MEANS VOTING PATTERNS) of the communities with these school shootings, you will find the erosion of the traditional conservative values....IN THESE COMMUNITIES. Hence, big time problems. Geez.
Sometimes I think we need to use crayons and drawing paper to communicate with liberals......
Just FYI Jim:
Colorado, (where Columbine is) in the last 15 to 20 years has been overrun with liberals from the East and West Coasts. Their primary reason for escaping these areas is to get away from the sort of problems that their liberal mindsets have brought about. How they loved the communities we had! So peaceful, so warm! Until they brought their messed up ways with them. Like the old saying goes....you can't run away from your problems, they will follow you. Instead what needs to be done is change their liberal stinking thinking ideas, and come on over into the light. Those of us living in these areas where liberals flee to...those areas which were solidly conservative, before their arrival... those peaceful, happy places, have witnessed firsthand how much in denial they are about how their views bring about their own grief, thus it follows them everywhere. Which is why we really don't like to see them in our communities anymore. Once we welcomed them...but that was long ago. We now realize they are doomed, unless they clean up that stinking liberal thinking. They are no longer welcome, because they ruin our peaceful communities. They want what we have, but they won't change to get it. So you see, liberalism REALLY IS A MENTAL DISORDER...that book's title is not fiction. I haven't read it, but I do know the title is 100% RIGHT!
I have the book, wish I had time to read it
jagerbomb..you are right. it certainly doesn't all come down to a case of black and white, one way or the other. That's what disgusts me about much of what I see.
SR, I've looked it up in the past and actually the crime rate in the northeast is far less than the southeast. When a crime is committed in the northeast it is usually on a stranger. When in the southeast it is usually a relative or aquantince. Believe it or not the divorce rate is also lower in the northeast.
Ron, Actually I was speaking about much more concise data, narrowed down to INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITIES...not some 'global' overall statisitcs by regions. When analyzing the voting patterns of COMMUNITIES that were primarily conservatives, then suffered an influx of liberal voters, veering the voting patterns to the left, you will find that the crime rates rise proportionally each year with the increased number of liberal voters. And in turn the taxes in these COMMUNITIES rises more and more each year.
I don't know how you interpreted my statements to mean some sort of overall crime distribution by SE, NE, etc.?
We were discussing individual communities in which the school shootings have occurred, not NE, VS SE. If you analyze what has occurred in these once conservative, peaceful communities, you will find that they have become liberal communities in the last couple of decades, and the crime rates have soared. Categorizing crime rates by red states vs blue states is too broad of a scope to get at what we were discussing....the school shootings.
BTW, the number of illegal immigrants in the SE has had quite a bit to do with their crime rates. But the illegals have been moving up to the northern states...and the NE is really upset about illegals too, now. It used to be just a southern thing, and the northerners criticized the south for not being friendly to the illegals. Now that the NE is experiencing it, their panties are all bunched up! Too funny!
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