Sunday, April 02, 2006

A Dark Day Revisited

It seems people are upset that this movie is coming out?
It is too soon for a movie about 9-11?
If so, when will it far enough from the date to be okay?

Will it make money?


Poison Pero said...

Too soon??? Are these people idiots or what?

The videos of should be played around the clock, so we never forget what we are up against.

They haven't been played because the idiots in the media and our government have no spine.

Hell yes play the movie, and hell yes it will make money.

Jim said...

There was just a made-for-TV movie about Flight 93 last month, wasn't there? Didn't here any hue and cry about that.

So why not?

The Game said...

One difference is that if you are in a movie theature and there is a trailor, you did not chose to see that movie...when you but on a TV show you did chose to watch that...

I'm sure it will get some flack, and it will only do well if it is a good m movie..

Many I have talked to said you shouldn't make a movie about it for 10 years...

Anonymous said...

Despite it being the major news event of the past 30 years, some people may not know much about this aspect of the event. I think its perfect timing, both in the sake of educating and for dramatic impact. Anyone who cant handle seeing it, should choose not to go to the theater.