It might be hard for me to blog today, so I'll leave you with some more PERFECT so correct it makes me smile from ear to ear...I can't even cut anything for people to stupid to understand I didn't write this....the is written by ANN COUTLER:
I suppose we'll have to wait yet another election cycle for all those "Scoop Jackson Democrats" to come roaring back in and give us a Democratic Party that does not consistently root against America.
On the bright side, it is now official: Democrats are not merely confused patriots, so blinded by their hatred for President Bush that they cannot see their way to supporting any aspect of the war on terrorism. Would that they were mere opportunistic traitors!
As some of us have been trying to tell you, Democrats don't oppose the war on terrorism because they hate Bush: They hate Bush because he is fighting the war on terrorism. They would hate him for fighting terrorists even if he had a "D" after his name. They would hate Bernie Sanders if he were fighting a war on terrorism. In the past three decades, there have been more legitimate sightings of Big Foot than of "Scoop Jackson Democrats."
That's why Hillary Clinton has anti-war protestors howling at her public events. That's why she has drawn an anti-war primary opponent, Jonathan Tasini, who appears to believe that Israel is a terrorist state. If those rumors I've been hearing about a Hezbollah/Hamas/DNC merger are true, we might be in for a slightly longer fight.
In Tuesday's primary, Connecticut Democrats dumped Joe Lieberman, an 18-year incumbent, because he supports the war on terrorism. This is the same Joe Lieberman who voted against all the Bush tax cuts, against banning same-sex marriage, against banning partial-birth abortion, against the confirmation of Judge Alito, against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and in favor of the Kyoto accords. Oh yes, this was also the same Joe Lieberman who was the Democrats' own vice presidential candidate six years ago.
Despite all this, Connecticut Democrats preferred stalwart anti-war candidate Ned Lamont, great-nephew of Corliss Lamont, WASP plutocrat fund-raiser for Stalin. Lamont's main political asset is that he is a walking, breathing argument in favor of a massive inheritance tax. His plan for fighting the terrorists is to enact a single-payer government health plan and universal pre-K education programs. His goal is to unite the "cut" and "run" wings of his party into one glorious coalition.
The Democrats can hold it in for a few years, but eventually the McGovernite face of the Democratic Party reappears.
Lamont declared victory surrounded by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Kim Gandy of the fanatically pro-abortion group known euphemistically as the "National Organization for Women."
Congresswoman Maxine Waters had parachuted into Connecticut earlier in the week to campaign against Lieberman because he once expressed reservations about affirmative action, without which she would not have a job that didn't involve wearing a paper hat. Waters also considers Joe "soft" on the issue of the CIA inventing crack cocaine and AIDS to kill all the black people in America.
Gandy's support for Lamont must have been a particularly bitter pill for Lieberman to swallow, inasmuch as he has long belonged to the world's smallest organization solely to satisfy bloodthirsty feminists like Gandy — Orthodox Jews for Partial-Birth Abortion. (OJFPBA has just slightly more members than GBRFC, "Gay Black Republicans for Choice.")
To give you a snapshot of today's Democratic Party, in 2004, pollster Scott Rasmussen asked likely voters if they believed America was generally a fair and decent country and whether they believed the world would be a better place if more countries were like America.
Republicans agreed that America is generally fair and decent, 83 percent to 7 percent. Eighty-one percent agreed that the world would be a better place if more countries were like the United States.
By contrast, Democrats were nearly split, with only 46 percent agreeing that America is generally a fair and decent country, and with 37 percent saying America is not a generally fair and decent country. Only 48 percent of Democrats said they thought that the world would be a better place if more countries were like the United States.
Democrats constantly complain that the nation has never been so divided, but consider that half of them think the statement that America is a good country is a divisive remark.
So remember: When you vote Democratic, you're saying NO to mindless patriotism. This country isn't so great!
The free world, which is rapidly boiling down to us and Israel, is under savage attack. Treason is rampant in the country. True, Democrats hate Bush, but they would hate anybody who fights the war on terrorism. It is a hostile world, and there is now a real question about the will of the American people to survive.
4520 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Posted by
The Game
12:45 AM
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I think, personally, and I mean this, the anti-choice crowd is scared to death of the MAP (Plan B - Morning After Pill) because if this medication becomes mainstream and easily available, abortion, as an issue, will cease to exist.
1: The numbers of these “abortions” will become impossible to track (which, ironically, always worked in the anti-choice arguments, as there was no way to show what the numbers were prior to RvW because people kept quiet).
2: The alleged detrimental psychological effects will be negated (women won’t ever know if they were even ever pregnant or not).
3: The stigmatizing of abortion providers, pro-choice politicians, and patients will be gone (no target enemy/victim to unite the anti-choice constituency).
4: It's no more "abortion" than taking the Pill regularly. So, to argue that Plan B should not be available is exactly to argue that the Pill should not be available. I wonder how many women (and men) would be okay with that?
I’m tellin’ ya’ - this will be the end of the issue of abortion.
Good riddance.
Coulter hits the nail on the head here with authority. The Islamoleftists will hate it. Thanks for the article.
My favorite part:
"As some of us have been trying to tell you, Democrats don't oppose the war on terrorism because they hate Bush: They hate Bush because he is fighting the war on terrorism. They would hate him for fighting terrorists even if he had a "D" after his name. They would hate Bernie Sanders if he were fighting a war on terrorism. In the past three decades, there have been more legitimate sightings of Big Foot than of "Scoop Jackson Democrats."
The liberal media didn't create this reality, bad policy did.
This problem has been going on since the Palis massacred eleven Jewish athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972, since Hamas tried to take down the WTC in 1993, since the Hezb'Allah killed 241 American peacekeepers in 1983, since a Palestinian gunman shot seven people on top of the Empire State building in 1997, since Pan Am 103 was blown up over Scotland in 1988 killing 270 people, and a countless number of other instances.
After 911, some decided it is time to clean house in the Muslim world. We started in Afghanistan. Then we went to Iraq. In a rational world, Syria and Iran would be next, but too many, thanks to Academia, Hollywood, and the Media, have been taught to hate America and blame themselves for the extremism of the Religion of Peace, rather than working to reform it.
You've made teacher of the day. COUTLER. I'm sure she'd appreciate that.
Ann's a sarcastic Repuglican as outrageous as Howard Dean on the Dem side, who's been pinned for plagiarism already -- people are actually supposed to believe anything she says, when she supports a GOP who has an approval rating of only 36%???
And some of the things she's pointed out in this are blatantly wrong?
Give me a break. I thought even you would be smarter than that, game. Now I know you're real secret. You just want a piece of her ass is all.
Jason, I know you get irritated with my snark and sarcasm but I just really don't know what to say to you and game and clint et al anymore. Just my impression:
You live in a cartoon world where the super warrior will smite all evil, solve all problems and make the world a happy place. He will do this with his superior power and a little bit of John Wayne cool guy break the rules thrown in just to show he's not beholden to anyone.
You think you clearly know the good guys from the bad guys. Just like in the cartoon. Its based alternately, in your world, on their race, location in the world, or political philosophy.
The KKK lynched other Americans, pulling them out of there homes to do it. Ted Bundy raped and killed dozens of unsuspecting innocent women. Ted Kyzianski(sp) sent bombs through the mail to kill unsuspecting people. The militia movement trains for the possible (in their view) necessity of overthrowing the government. Tim McVeigh, a turner diaries apostle, killed hundreds of innocents. The SLA. the weathermen, the posse commatatus, the bloods and crips..the list goes on and on. "Terrorism" has always been with us and the risk of us "getting killed" is with us everyday. From crime to drunk drivers to yes, terrorists. How many people were killed so far in Milwaukee this year..any terrorists involved? Life isn't always pretty and it's up to each of us to try to make it that way for each other as much as possible. That is not accomplished by waving the bloody shirt. That's a Sylvester Stallone movie. Yes we need to do what we can to stop people who would do us harm. We don't need to kill'em all or decide the constitution is "pre 9/11" thinking to do that. We have to live with a certain amount of risk. It's a part of life son. "Terrorism" has been with us from the beginning and will be with us to the end. No Democrat or Republican is going to completely solve the problem. To set a high standard of morality is not appeasing. To act smartly and not bully your way through a path of destruction is not a reason to feel guilt. To fear is human but don't let it get the best of you. When you get old you will understand better what I am saying.
Sorry, that's "nobody had better ever put a gun in my hand.
As an addendum to this my above post, I'll say this: I pay my frikkin' taxes. I pay them for everyone else to get a better life than I do, and I probably work at least twice as hard.
When is the gov't going to do something for me in return?
A lot of Americans feel the same way --
I have to say, Oral Annie actually had some funny sarcasm in this one. Too bad its still so Right it cant be correct.
"give us a Democratic Party that does not consistently root against America." Bullshit.
"it is now official: Democrats are not merely confused patriots" Bullshit
"They hate Bush because he is fighting the war on terrorism." Bullshit.
"rumors I've been hearing about a Hezbollah/Hamas/DNC merger are true, we might be in for a slightly longer fight" Oh I'm splitting a gut.
"Democrats dumped Joe Lieberman, an 18-year incumbent, because he supports the war on terrorism." Bullshit.
"without which she would not have a job that didn't involve wearing a paper hat." Racist isn't she?
"Democrats hate Bush, but they would hate anybody who fights the war on terrorism." Bullshit.
ron, dedanna--
This "I don't give a damn about modern Hirohitos and Mussolinis" attitude in our country today is going to create a LOT of problems in our future. You'd think 911 would wake people up, but I'm pessimistic. It will take a few more attacks, possibly with nuclear bombs, until most of us understand what is happening.
What's frustrating is that people aren't denying this with logic and evidence, but by sticking their heads in the sand and simply saying things like "Bullshit" over and over again. Willful ignorance can't be stopped with any kind of argument.
I don't deny there are things here in the United States that need to be taken care of. But there is a FASCIST movement growing in the world almost identical to what we saw in the 1930s, only that is it Islamic-inspired this time.
There is nothing cartoon-like about this, and I'm dead serious about the gravity of what we face. It is even worse than the 1930s -- back then the problem was a handful of countries, but this time fascist eggs have been hatching everywhere, picking up speed since the Iranian Revolution of 1979.
Jason said:
since the Palis massacred eleven Jewish athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972, since Hamas tried to take down the WTC in 1993, since the Hezb'Allah killed 241 American peacekeepers in 1983, since a Palestinian gunman shot seven people on top of the Empire State building in 1997, since Pan Am 103 was blown up over Scotland in 1988 killing 270 people, and a countless number of other instances.
Ok, I'll go you a few better:
Run a search on the current crime rates in the U.S.
Run a search for foreign terrorism rates in the U.S.
Run a search for gang groups in the U.S., and find out if they can also be considered terrorists
Run a search for crime rates of foreign nationals (the ones who claim immunity from prosecution) who come to the U.S.
Run a search for the count of terrorists currently in the U.S.
Run a search of crime rates at the U.S. borders
I could go on and on
Want to try me that we should take care of the U.S. itself first? Keep going, Jason. They can't blow us up from anywhere, until they get in here and get their strategy going.
I want to go to war. I want to go to war on what's right in front of our faces.
Kick the bastards that are here out first, and if they won't leave, blow them up. You want to use those nukes? You want to use those guns? You best talk in the U.S. first.
Jason, your frightened rant is what scares me..what happened to the land of the free and home of the brave.
We had nukes pointed directly at american cities during the cold war and one push of the button..well hopefully you understand. This was a far greater threat than we face are just to young to remember it. Building these fanatics into somekind of worldbeater force only strengthens them and gets converts who are mad at america and think they can actually destroy us. Don't get me wrong they certainly are a threat and must be chased,arrested,bombed whatever but it must be done properly and not slopply.
You guys who think there is any notable number of people who "hate america" are certainly living the cartoon life.
Did it ever occur to you that we are more concerned about what our country does because we live here and the leaders represent US!? I may not like what other countries do but they are not doing it in my name. I am much strickter and far more worried about what my children do than what somebodies kids across town do. Please get a clue on this or continue to be laughed at and be seen as a radical screecher.
Let me make one more thing clear since things seem to get quite twisted around here. I agree that the threat is real and the thought that we need to actively be involved in fighting it is certainly valid. My disdain comes from your approaches, attitudes and tactics.
Right Ron! And the constant Bullshit about "liberals this" and "Democrats that."
All liberals I've ever read or heard recognized the danger of radical muslims. To say otherwise is simply Bullshit.
As Ron says, our difference is how best to fight the threat effectively instead of a president simply waving his big 45 in the air.
As far as understanding the "war on terror", let's hear it from Thomas L. Friedman:
"I just have one question for Mr. Cheney: If we're in such a titanic struggle with radical Islam, and if getting Iraq right is at the center of that struggle, why did you "tough guys" fight the Iraq war with the Rumsfeld Doctrine -- just enough troops to lose -- and not the Powell Doctrine of overwhelming force to create the necessary foundation of any democracy-building project, which is security? How could you send so few troops to fight such an important war when it was obvious that without security Iraqis would fall back on their tribal militias?"
"Mr. Cheney, if we're in a titanic struggle with Islamic fascists, why have you and President Bush resisted any serious effort to get Americans to conserve energy? Why do you refuse to push higher mileage standards for U.S. automakers or a gasoline tax that would curb our imports of oil? Here we are in the biggest struggle of our lives and we are funding both sides -- the U.S. military with our tax dollars and the radical Islamists and the governments and charities that support them with our gasoline purchases -- and you won't lift a finger to change that. Why? Because it might impose pain on the oil companies and auto lobbies that fund the G.O.P., or require some sacrifice by Americans.
Mr. Cheney, if we're in a titanic struggle with Islamic fascists, why do you constantly use the "war on terrorism" as a wedge issue in domestic politics to frighten voters away from Democrats. How are we going to sustain such a large, long-term struggle if we are a divided country?
Please, Mr. Cheney, spare us your flag-waving rhetoric about the titanic struggle we are in and how Democrats just don't understand it. It is just so phony -- such a patent ploy to divert Americans from the fact that you have never risen to the challenge of this war. You will the ends, but you won't will the means. What a fraud!"
Nice, all aorund. To jason: Why cant you recognize the fascism erupting in our own govt? Specifically, your beloved Pub demagogues.
I like Mr. Friedman and agree with much of his critique as quoted above. However, many Democrats don't think we should clean house and go on offense against the global Islamist movement. How do you think Ned Lamont got elected?
With Ahmadinejad, mutually assured destruction is his goal. He claims the Apocalypse will happen in the near future, he promises to wipe Israel off the map over and over again, and he states he has been appointed by God to lead the final jihad against the infidels at the end of times. The purpose of this? To pave the way for the Shi'ite Messiah, he says, the Mahdi, also known as the 12th Imam, who will magically return and make Islam rule on earth.
Does this frighten me? You bet.
You need to understand the entire theology laid down by Khomenei-- the natural world is the scum of creation, and it is best to purify the soul through violence, martyrdom, and death. We're dealing with pure evil-- find the images of homosexuals hanging from cranes or the videos of Iranian public stonings-- we're dealing with a very dark government.
Security issues and domestic issues are separate, and they are not mutually exclusive in that we can't do one without not doing the other. For example, Kennedy stood up to the Soviets AND fought for civil rights. Letting evil prevail abroad because one is obsessed with domestic imperfections is an invitation to disaster.
There is no fascism in our own government. The Bush administration won't even be around in two years. Bush has the liberal foreign policy, while Democrats have embraced a conservative one-- they only care about members of the tribe, while other people aren't as good as us to be worthy our support.
Oh by the way, if madmanjanis talk scares you how about this?
President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.
In Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, a major three-part series on BBC TWO (at 9.00pm on Monday 10, Monday 17 and Monday 24 October), Abu Mazen, Palestinian Prime Minister, and Nabil Shaath, his Foreign Minister, describe their first meeting with President Bush in June 2003.
Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'"
Ok, I had to delete my initial comment because it was not very nice.
Jason-do you ever get outside your own head? I use to get something out of your posts occasionally but as time goes on they get more and more..and this is just from my perspective....inane. It's the same thing over and over again. Lots of intellectual mumbo jumbo, lots of name dropping. Lots of right wing political correctness. Lots of knee jerk reactions. I'm a lowly High School grad. You have to talk like a human being. Your avatar seems more appropriate all the time. A robot.
I dont know what you are trying to say besides you are scared and if we dont do what you think we are all going to be dead. Honestly, I don't mean this to be evil or snarky, I really don't! I am in the communications business and I love to discuss and debate but the longer I try to read what you say the more it turns into blah blah blah. Is there a heart and a human spirit in there anywhere my friend?
Jason said...
Security issues and domestic issues are separate, and they are not mutually exclusive in that we can't do one without not doing the other. For example, Kennedy stood up to the Soviets AND fought for civil rights. Letting evil prevail abroad because one is obsessed with domestic imperfections is an invitation to disaster.
Oh no, I can't believe you went here, much less said this.
"Domestic imperfections" is to the contrary what I'm talking about -- I'm talking about a helluva lot more, to include national security. I should think our own borders would have one HELL of a lot to do with this, but I can see where your Repugliness GOP standards won't allow that admission.
Tough -- it's reality.
If I had my way, not one thin dime of more my paycheck would go to the Iraqi war any longer. It would go to the U.S.' borders, and all-around national security.
We ain't got shit anywhere else, until we got shit right here. A house divided against itself will surely fall.
Jason said,
"However, many Democrats don't think we should clean house and go on offense against the global Islamist movement. How do you think Ned Lamont got elected?" Bullshit.
Show me the Democrats who don't think we should fight the Islamist movement. Show me their writings, their speeches.
If you try to spew the bullshit that being against the war in Iraq is somehow being "soft on terror", I swear I'm gonna scream! (How's that for emotion, Game?)
It's pure bullshit to equate being against the war in Iraq as supporting terror or being soft on terrorists. Pure bullshit. Pure bullshit.
Jim, they have no ability to conceptualize a war on terror except on their terms and wildly narrow options. That is what is getting so confusing to me. Surely people aren't this narrowminded unless it is on purpose?
You bet it's on purpose.
Jason said...
However, many Democrats don't think we should clean house and go on offense against the global Islamist movement. How do you think Ned Lamont got elected?
Ok, clean house. Get those Islamist bastards out of the U.S. NOW!!
Then seal us off so they can't come back in. I know this sounds isolationist, but it's the only way lol
Jason, your response bears no relation to the reality I perceive so I guess we will forever be destined to agree to disagree. The fact that it has real implications for real people is precisly why I am involved myself. We have different ideas on how to achieve the goal. It is not about being liked or we wouldnt be here to take the slings and arrows of the right.I see few of you coming to comment on our blogs.
ron, and for that matter, anyone else,
Could you give an idea of how you would deal with the terrorists if Bush's plan ain't happening for you?
I agree that the terrorism in this country, that is gang-bangers and the like, is a serious issue that requires the same type of mindset to combat it that Islamofascism requires. Here's the problem: The left, with the aid of the ACLU and other similar groups, would not, as they have not ever, allow the type of strategies that are required to forever crush their operations. Law enforcement is already inundated with hurdles to jump that already keep the civil rights of the accused above the need to eliminate the domestic scumbags. In fact, and keep in mind I agree with the intent of most Miranda type sentiments, criminals have to easy a time due to laws that prohibit concealed carry of weapons, just how one is permitted to defend one's property, and other frustrating laws to prevent the arrest of innocents. I'm for tougher tactics against domestic scumbags, but frankly, the cause of justice is inhibited in the same manner the left seeks to inhibit Bush's strategies.
Your comments are off topic, but I'll play. The MAP and it's half-strength predecessor, the birth control pill, are NOT contraceptive drugs. They are post-fertilization abortafascients(sp) and in the eyes of "pro-lifers" (not "anti-choice"---that's a stupid misconception) are on par with abortion itself as a result. So instead of ripping to shreads a developing fetus, the pills would prevent implantation of a fertilized egg thereby killing a human being at an earlier stage of development. Those who understand basic biology would not be fooled by this blatant lie about being a "birth control" method. YOU might think you're entitled to decide when a human is a human, but reasonable, self-disciplined people of honor don't play God with the lives of others. I await your smarmy reply.
Marshall Art, I regularly blog on other solutions. I am not going to retype the reams of stuff here.
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