Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Muslim world inflamed by Rushdie knighthood

Sometimes we do not have to accept the way everyone does things.
The Muslim world is ripe with intolerance and domination. Everything MUST be the way they want it, nothing else is tolerated.
This way of thinking and way of life is the single biggest threat to Western civilization. Will our increasingly passive and liberal society figure it out before we are destroyed?


The Game said...

Before a liberal comes on here and says this is way out of line...you tell me who is way out of line:

In Pakistan, where effigies of the Queen and 59-year-old Rushdie were burned, a minister appeared to justify suicide bombings as a response to the knighthood.

PCD said...


The liberals can't do anything to the extremists in the middle east, so they ignore their extremism and attack their at hand enemy here in the West, non-Liberals, especially Christians. It is so much easier for them. Right jay and him?

PCD said...

Anyone else notice the chirping crickets coming from Jim, Jay, and Phil?

Chet said...

As the new token liberal, let me just confound all your expectations and tell you - I agree that Muslim fundamentalism is a largely destructive ideology, it holds women in bondage, and the sooner it's influence can be eliminated, the sooner the people of the Middle East can live in freedom.

The biggest source of cover and protection for that ideology, though, is the assumption that because a view is religious it's immune to being questioned or held to any objective standard; currently, in America, conservatives are the number one promoters of this view.