Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Mid-week free for all

You run the show for once


Anonymous said...

regarding bush and mcconnell meeting in august on the nie: is bush lying or is he incompetent? there are no other options.

The Game said...

I don't know what you are talking about

PCD said...

The Left takes the NIE out of context to further their agenda of a defenseless America.

Anonymous is trying to politicize the reading of the NIE so that Americans are convinced to do nothing while Iran obtains the bomb if they haven't bought a few from Russia already.

Anonymous said...

if you don't know what i'm talking about, then you apparently don't watch tv, listen to the radio, or read a newspaper.

pcdummy, i never said anything about the "reading of the nie." bush said his director of national intelligence told him that he had new information that had significant relevance to the us policy towards iran but that he didn't tell him what it was.

now either his dni did tell him and bush is lying or bush is an incompetent moron for not asking what new information might there be that would be relevant to his policy towards a country that he was worried about starting world war III.

so which is it? liar or moron?

Anonymous said...
