Thursday, August 13, 2009

Foreclosures rise 7 percent in July from June

I honestly think that Obama's massive spending bills and his vision and hope to fix the economy is officially a bust. We have crippled the future of our country on all this shameful spending and for what?
This is what happens when you vote in a guy because he is good at reading off a teleprompter.
The only good from this is that the American people can see what happens when liberals really act like liberals.
The sad thing might be if we have hit that point were over half of the country just wants handouts and doesn't care what it does to the country.

RASMUSSEN POLL: Obama Approval Rating Falls to New Low: 47 %... Developing...
US Federal deficit higher in July, $1.27T this year; Record spending...


American said...

“This is what happens when you vote in a guy because he is good at reading off a teleprompter.” – Game.

At least, Obama can read unlike the previous guy who had tough time even reading, right?? Smiles...

Let’s face it – Obama walked into a huge mess (This would have been the same case for McCain…had he won) - Two wars, a deep recession, rising terrorism all over the world with rogue regimes and an extremely partisan environment. My point is – It was a huge challenge for Obama (or McCain). So, I am not totally surprised that it’s taking longer time to fix the mess.

Having said that - I agree with the spending part - I am not a big fan of spending and waste. I also feel that there has to be a long, productive debate on healthcare reforms. It’s an important topic and we need to have an honest discussion on how to bring down the healthcare costs, how to promote healthy living, how to increase the competition etc. I’m quite disappointed with both sides on this issue – One party tries to rush thru the process while other party is only interested in shutting down the dialogue. Both are un-american!

Anonymous said...

Poor Game...he's all about instant gratification now?

How long were we told to wait for results from The Surge? But now he wants Obama's economic Surge to magically fix the mess without giving it the time it needs to succeed?

The Game said...

the surge worked almost instantly...
the insane spending of obama has done nothing at all, the economy is recovering slower than it would have if he would have done nothing, period.
Obama walked into a bad economy he and his side created by making mortgage companies give loans to people who should not have gotten them..
obama has done nothing different at all in either war, so you better get on him for that..